"This transfer field comprises study and learning formats that actively integrate external academic partners into the educational process through a formalized process (for example, one anchored in examination regulations or as adjunct lecturers) and allows them to help actively shape course content. The goal is to promote the exchange of knowledge between the partners, with the understanding that knowledge transfer can and should occur in both directions."
Service learning projects
Service Learning
Service learning combines university-based learning with organizational hands-on experience and community engagement.
Transformative projects
Transformative Projects
Based on their theoretical knowledge, students of the M.A. Transformation Studies develop projects for a more sustainable future.
Support services for school students
Mathematical Olympiad
Organization and implementation of the annual competition rounds at regional and state level
National Mathematical Olympiad 2024
Organization of the 2024 national finals; the 200 best young mathematicians in Germany as guests in Flensburg
School academy at the EUF
Every 14 days, pupils in grades 3-13 come to the EUF campus and experience mathematics in student-led courses as a creative and playful discipline that is fun and more than just arithmetic.
Online courses, face-to-face meetings on exciting mathematics for students in grades 5-13 from all over SH; in cooperation with CAU, UzL
Development of digital tasks for the continuous support of all students for weekly use in class
Trans-European teacher education
Transformative Teaching Labs
Professionalization of student teachers in the teaching-learning laboratory of education for sustainable development
Master's degree for working professionals
Master of Arts "Kita-Master"
Management of early childhood education institutions
Professional training certificate programs
Further and continuing education at the Center for Teacher Training (ZfL)
The ZfL offers further training courses by EUF university lecturers as well as by external speakers, which are aimed at both teachers from schools and students.
Professional training without certificate
Auditing Courses
As part of an open study program, we offer adults the opportunity to study as a guest student
Project "Language education in childcare centers"
A training and research project for qualification and quality Assurance in the field of integrating language education into everyday life in Schleswig-Holstein
Flensburg Counseling Center for the Gifted
The BERATUNGSSTELLE BEGABUNG FLENSBURG, under the direction of Dr. Sabine Küster, offers counseling, diagnostics, training and psychoeducation in the context of giftedness in children and adolescents.
The overall project (with various sub-projects) is located in extra-university interface work of the Department of Art & Visual Media, with the aim of steadily implementing it as a concept in teaching.