Vocational Qualification Transfer System II
Im Projekt VQTS II wird auf der Basis des im Projekt VQTS entwickelten Verfahrens an einem Transfer für die Beschreibung arbeitsbezogener Kompetenzen in der Berufsbildung auf ein anderes Berufsfeld (Elektrotechnik) und zur Anwendung auf den Übergang von nicht-akademischer beruflicher Bildung zur Hochschulbildung gearbeitet.
- Stichworte
- VQTS, Kompetenzmatrix, Elektrotechnik
- Laufzeit
- 01.12.2007 - 30.11.2009
- Webseite
- Institution der EUF
- Berufsbildungsinstitut Arbeit und Technik (biat)
VQTS II is based on the results of the Leonardo da Vinci project "VQTS" (Vocational Qualification Transfer System – www.VocationalQualification.net). The core result of the VQTS project, the Competence Matrix, will be transferred to another VET sector (electronic/electrical engineering) and to other countries and languages. The VQTS II project will focus on transferring and further elaborating of methods and procedures for the development of a Competence Matrix by using the ideas and principles described in the VQTS project.
The VQTS II model will be applied for tuning training programmes in vocational and educational training (VET) and practice oriented higher education (HE) to make them more compatible and to enhance permeability.
By using the VQTS model the overlapping areas of the competence profiles of VET and HE programmes will be made visible. Recommendations how to overcome problems on the interface between VET and practice oriented HE will be developed.
Target group
VET / HE providers; students and apprentices within the field "electronic / electrical engineering") who wants to go to a training provider abroad during a training period. Experts of vocational training and training policy thinking on concepts for ECVET / mobility in VET.
Focus of research
The main research challenge is to find solutions for describing competences usable in different countries and showing the value of developed competencies in different education and training systems. The competence descriptions are using the learning outcome approach taking into account learning processes dedicated to the world of work. The project aim is to
- develop acceptable competence descriptions with the help of a workshop structure for creating a Competence Matrix for the field electronic / electrical engineering;
- develop partnership agreements or Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) as recommended in the ECVET consultation document based on the Competence Matrices available. A checklist and recommendations will be developed in order to help training providers to establish MoU.
- enhance permeability between VET and HE programmes and to promote progression from VET to HE by making visible the overlapping areas of the competence profiles of VET and HE.
- develop guidance materials for providers improving practices for the transition from VET to practice oriented HE.
The innovation of VQTS II is the development of methods for the description of learning outcomes with a clear focus on the world of work and to find through those methods practical ways for credit transfer in VET (ECVET) with a close link to EQF/NQF.
- Competence Matrix for the sector electronic / electrical engineering
- Guidelines for the methodological approach of the development of a Competence Matrix
- Competence Profiles / MoU / Guidelines
- Examples of good practices for tuning VET and HE
Prof. Dr.Matthias Becker
- becker-TextEinschliesslichBindestricheBitteEntfernen-
@ibm.uni-hannover.de - +49 511 76217215
- Institut für Berufswissenschaften der Metalltechnik
- Telefon
- +49 511 76217215
@ibm.uni-hannover.de - Gebäude
- Institut für Berufswissenschaften der Metalltechnik
- Straße
- Appelstraße 9
- PLZ / Stadt
- 30167 Hannover

3S research laboratory, Karin Luomi-Messerer, Wien, Austria
Partnerinnen und Partner
- HTBLuVA St. Pölten (AT)
- Fachhochschule Technikum Wien, University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien (AT)
- National Institute of Technical and Vocational Education (NUOV) (CZ)
- Eckener Schule Flensburg (DE)
- Malta Qualifications Council (MT)
- Kenteq – National Centre of Expertise on Vocational Education, Training and Labour Market (NL)
- Koning Willem 1 College, Netherlands (NL)
- Avans Hogeschool (NL)
- University of Ljubljana (SI)
- Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur (BMUKK) (AT)
Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovations