Herbstsemester 2024/25
Vorlesungsfreie Zeit, zweite Prüfungsphase und Einführungswoche
Do, 16.01., 12:00-12:00
Di, 21.01., 11:00-12:00
Di, 28.01., 12.00-13:00
Achtung: Studierende, die in den letzten beiden Januarwochen Fulbright-Gespräche mit mir benötigen: Wir können sehr gut auch zu anderen Zeiten und an anderen Tagen in dieser Phase Webex-Termine machen; melden Sie sich bitte per Email (rebekka.rohleder@uni-flensburg.de).
Do, 06.02., 12:00-13:00
Do, 13.02., 12:00-13:00 (Alle bisher - 12.2. - hier angemeldeten Studierenden möchten per WebEx sprechen; wenn sich weitere Studierende für den 13.02. anmelden wollen, dann bitte ebenfalls für einen WebEx-Termin.)
Mo, 24.02., 12.00-13:00
Do, 06.03., 12:00-13:00
Einführungswoche Frühjahrssemester: Do, 13.03., 12:00-13:00
Sprechstunden für das Frühjahrssemester werden rechtzeitig bekanntgegeben.
Bitte vorher immer per Email an rebekka.rohleder-TextEinschliesslichBindestricheBitteEntfernen-
Europa-Universität Flensburg
Autumn Term 2024/25
Project Work Literature: ‘Condition of England’ Novels in the Nineteenth Century and in the Twenty-First Century
Seminar Cultural Studies: Key Documents and Key Concepts in British History
Introduction to Literature (2x)
Spring Term 2024
Seminar (M.A. Kultur - Sprache - Medien): Travelling Villains: Contact and Conflict in Nineteenth-Century Gothic Fiction
Proseminar Literature: Twenty-First-Century Irish Historical Fiction
Hauptseminar Literature: Victorian Poetry
Seminar Cultural Studies: Urban Cultures: Depicting the City in UK Film and Television
Autumn Term 2023/24
Seminar (M.A. Kultur - Sprache - Medien): Work Society and its Others in British Culture
Project Work Literature: Societies Gone Wrong (Again): Dystopian Fiction and its Reimaginations
Seminar Cultural Studies: Key Documents and Key Concepts in British History
Introduction to Literature
Spring Term 2023
Seminar Cultural Studies: Performing Privilege - The Upper Class on Screen
Hauptseminar Literature: Heroes, Crowns and Villains - Three Shakespearean History Plays
Seminar (B.A. "European Cultures and Society"): BrexLit
Proseminar Literature: Writing the World - Travel in British Fiction, 1680s to 1790s
Autumn term 2022/23
Introduction to Literature (2x)
Project Work Literature: Nostalgia and Precarity: Imagining Work in Contemporary British Fiction
Proseminar Key Documents and Key Concepts in British History
Spring term 2022
Proseminar Literature: The British Novel in the Early Nineteenth Century: Gender and Genre
Hauptseminar Literature: Historiographic Metafiction
Seminar Cultural Studies: Monsters and Mad Scientists: Frankenstein Adaptations
Seminar (B.A. "European Cultures and Society"): "Stories Waiting to Be Told": Transnational Novelistic Perspectives on Twentieth-Century History
Autumn term 2021/22
Introduction to Literature
Project Work Literature: British Modernist Fiction
Seminar in the M.A. "Kultur – Sprache – Medien": British Film and the Working Class
Proseminar Key Documents and Key Concepts in British History
Spring term 2021 (online)
Proseminar Literature: Men and Women of Feeling: Eighteenth-Century British Sentimental Novels
Proseminar Literature: Performing Ireland: Early Twentieth-Century Irish Drama
Haupseminar Literature: British Romanticism
Seminar Cultural Studies: Dramatizing the Gaze: Television, Technology and Visual Culture
Autumn term 2020/21 (online)
Introduction to Literature (2x)
Proseminar Key Documents and Key Concepts in British History
Seminar in the M.A. "Kultur – Sprache – Medien": Urban Encounters: The City and the Other in Modernist Fiction
Spring term 2020 (online)
Proseminar: British Campus Novels between 1954 and 2005
Proseminar: Three Shakespearean Tragedies
Seminar in the B.A. "European Cultures and Society": ‘Writing Back‘ to the Centre: Exploring Postcolonial Fiction and Theory
Seminar in the M.A. "Kultur – Sprache – Medien": Perspective, Culture, and Power: Three Novels about Migration to the UK
Autumn term 2019/20
Introduction to Literature (2x)
Projektarbeit: Versions of Contemporary Britishness: Negotiating Multicultural Britain
Seminar: Perfection and Alterity: Engineered Bodies in Contemporary Culture
Spring term 2019
Proseminar: Wilde and Shaw as Dramatists
Proseminar: Early Modern Revenge Tragedy
Hauptseminar: Gothic Fiction around 1800
Seminar: Britain in Times of Brexit
Leuphana University Lüneburg
Winter term 2018/19: Robots, Surveillance and Entertainment: Imagining Work after Digitization
Winter term 2016/17: Performing (In)Justice: Shakespeare and the Law
Winter term 2015/16: "Hear my tale": Gothic Fiction and the Other
Winter term 2014/15: Heroes, Gods and Monsters: Re-framing Myth in A.S. Byatt’s Ragnarok: The End of the Gods
Winter term 2013/14: The Two Sides of the Coin – Economics and Ethics in Anglo-American Writing
University of Hamburg – Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Winter term 2018/19 Seminar Ia – Introduction to British Literature and Culture (2x)
Winter term 2018/19 Seminar Ia – Introduction to American Literature and Culture
Summer term 2018 Seminar Ia – Introduction to British Literature and Culture (2x)
Summer term 2018 Seminar Ia – Introduction to American Literature and Culture
Winter term 2017/18 Seminar Ia – Introduction to British Literature and Culture (2x)
Winter term 2017/18 Seminar Ia – Introduction to American Literature and Culture
(2x)Summer term 2017 Seminar Ia – Introduction to British Literature and Culture
Summer term 2017 Seminar Ia – Introduction to American Literature and Culture
Summer term 2012 – Seminar Ib – Modernism and the City
Winter term 2011/ 12 – Seminar Ib – "A man speaking to men": Romanticism and Authorship
Summer term 2011 – Seminar Ib – Postcolonial Literature
Winter term 2010/ 11 – Seminar Ib – A Literary Family: Mary Wollstonecraft, William Godwin, and the Shelleys
Summer term 2010 – Seminar Ib – Queer is everywhere: Twentieth-Century Queer Literature [with Dennis Büscher-Ulbrich]
Winter term 2009/10 – Seminar Ib – The Pen and the Pipe Bomb: Representing the Anarchist [with Dennis Büscher-Ulbrich]
Winter term 2009/10 – Seminar Ib – "Threat’ning the world with high astounding terms": Christopher Marlowe’s Tamburlaine the Great, The Jew of Malta, and Doctor Faustus
Summer term 2009 – Seminar Ib – Corpses, Castles, and the Critics: Exploring the Gothic Novel
Winter term 08/09 – Seminar Ib – The Politics of Romanticism
Summer term 2008 – Seminar Ia – Einführung in die Literaturwissenschaft (Introduction to Literary Studies)
Winter term 07/08 – Seminar Ib – Drama around 1900: Wilde and Shaw