Willkommen im
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
If you are looking for the chance to study the English language, its literature(s) and culture(s) at a high quality level, as well as acquire the comprehensive academic education necessary for an English teacher, we might be exactly what you have been searching for.
As our entire program (lectures, exams, term papers) is conducted in English, we thought it fitting to welcome you in English as well!
Explore our website to find more information (in both German and English) about our various Bachelor and Master course programmes, our staff, our research profiles, projects and publications, and our many extracurricular opportunities, as well as our contact details and information on special events.
If you have questions or need to know more, feel free to contact us.
On behalf of the whole English team,
Prof. Dr. Holger Limberg
Institute Head