Prof. Dr.Christof Roos

Bild von Christof Roos


+49 461 805 2554
+49 461 805 952554
Gebäude Tallinn 1
TAL 105
Auf dem Campus 1b
PLZ / Stadt
24943 Flensburg


Seminar für Politikwissenschaft und Politikdidaktik


Dienstags: 16:30 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr


Postfach: TAL 204, Nr. 7


Nummer Titel Typ Semester
531016l Forschungskolloquium III Kolloquium HeSe 2024
2231021l European Union Politics and Policies I Vorlesung HeSe 2024
5310s12l Politische Systeme im Vergleich: EU and beyond - Politisches System und Regieren in Europa Vorlesung HeSe 2024
531006l Europäische Union und Internationale Beziehungen – Kurs Aund B EU-Außenpolitik im Kontext Internationaler Beziehungen Seminar HeSe 2024


Christof Roos lehrt an der Europa-Universität Flensburg im Bereich European Studies und Politikwissenschaft (Wirtschaft/Politik, Sozialwissenschaften). Dabei steht die Auseinandersetzung mit EU-Governance, Internationalen Beziehungen und Migrationspolitik im Mittelpunkt. Seine Forschung bezieht sich insbesondere auf die Frage, wie sich Prozesse der EU-Integration auf Migrationspolitik auswirken? Diesen Zusammenhang untersucht er in den Mitgliedstaaten, auf EU-Ebene und in den EU-Außenbeziehungen. Das Themenfeld umfasst Arbeitsmigration, Asylmigration, EU-Afrika Beziehungen, Personenfreizügigkeit, und Auswanderung. Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit sind in Form von Monographien bei Palgrave und als Artikel unter anderem bei Zeitschriften wie dem Journal of European Public Policy, Journal of Common Market Studies, dem Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies sowie dem Leviathan erschienen. Aktuell erforscht er die Effekte von Auswanderung in Ost- und Südeuropa und sich darauf beziehende EU-Politik in einem DFG finanzierten Forschungsprojekt ‚Paradoxien der EU-Personenfreizügigkeit‘. Paradoxien der EU-Personenfreizügigkeit

Von 2014 bis 2017 arbeitete er an der Brussels School of Governance der Vrije Universiteit Brussel im Centre for Migration, Diversity and Justice. Dort ist er weiterhin als Associate Researcher in Forschung und Lehre tätig. 2012 promovierte Christof Roos an der International Graduate School for Social Sciences der Universität Bremen, wo er zu EU-Integration in den Bereichen Justiz und Inneres forschte. Er studierte Politikwissenschaften an der Freien Universität Berlin (2000-2006) und an der York University Toronto (2003-2004).

Neben seiner akademischen Tätigkeit arbeitete Christof Roos von 2006 bis 2007 für das DG Joint Research Centre der Europäischen Kommission in Ispra, Italien. Dort forschte er zu Migration aus westafrikanischen Ländern. 2013 und 2014 arbeitete er an der European Strategy on Roma Inclusion und an der European Smart Cities and Communities Initiative in der Abteilung für Europäische Angelegenheiten der Senatskanzlei des Landes Berlin. Seit 2017 ist er Ethics Reviewer für das European Research Council.


  • Auswanderung als negative Externalität der EU-Integration. Effekte von Personenfreizügigkeit in Politik und Medien Osteuropas, 29. DVPW-Kongress, Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration und Regionalismusforschung, Göttingen 24.-27. September 2024

  • Training, EU and International Labour Migration Policy and Politics, Collège of Europe, Brugge, 17. September 2024 (online)

  • Presentation, Disembedding Citizenship in the EU: Internal Migration and its Externalities (together with Susanne K. Schmidt), 30th International Conference of Europeanists, Lyon, 3-5 July 2024   

  • Presentation, What if EU Mobility becomes EU Emigration? Sendung Countries of Migrant between Integration and Demarcation, 30th International Conference of Europeanists, Lyon, 3-5 July 2024 

  • Jury Member, PhD viva Kristine Grenang, ‘Connecting migration and European integration: Discursive issue-linkages in EU referendums’, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 2 May 2024

  • Vortrag, EU-Personenfreizügigkeit. Segen oder Fluch für die Europäische Integration? Akademie Sankelmark, 27. April 2024

  • Lecture, Freedom of Movement of Persons and Labour Migration Policy in the EU, Institute for European Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 13 March 2024

  • Conference Chair, Tagung ‚Emigration and the State. The Impact of Worker Mobility on Countries of Origin in the EU and Beyond’, Europa-Universität Flensburg, 7.-9. Februar 2024

  • Vortrag, Das Spannungsverhältnis von Wissenschaft und Politik, Rotarier Flensburg, 25. Januar 2024

  • Vortrag, Wissenschaft, Wissenstransfer und Demokratiebildung, 40. Jubiläum der Fördergesellschaft der Europa-Universität Flensburg, 6. Dezember 2023

  • Training, EU and International Labour Migration Policy and Politics, Collège of Europe, Brugge, 28 - 29 August 2023

  • Chair und Discussant, Mini-Symposium ‘New Dynamics in EU Labour Mobility’,  29th International Conference of Europeanists, Reykjavik, 27-29 June 2023

  • Presentation, What if EU mobility becomes EU emigration? The politics and policies of emigration in Central Eastern and Southern European states, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, 21 June 2023

  • Discussant, Book Launch of ‚The Politics of Immigration Beyond Liberal States. Morocco and Tunisia in Comparative Perspective’ by Katharina Natter, Migration Policy Centre and European University Institute, Florence 27 April 2023
  • Lecture, Freedom of Movement of Persons and Labour Migration Policy in the EU, Institute for European Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 15 March 2023
  • Presentation, EU Freedom of Movement of Persons and emigration: effects, state capacities, and actor preferences, European Trade Union Federation, Standing Committee on Mobility, Employment and Labour Market, Brussels, 17 February 2023

  • Diskussion gemeinsam mit Kerstin Leidt (Zentrum für Rechtsstaatlichkeit) und Simone Mischke (NDR), Festung Europa? Menschenrechte und Flüchtlingspolitik an den EU-Grenzen, Sankelmarker Europagespräch, Akademie Sankelmark, 9. Dezember 2022

  • Lecture, The second EU asylum crisis? Jean Monet Module at Hebron University in Palestine, 8 December 2022

  • Diskussion mit Johannes Arlt (MdB), Ukrainekrieg,  Sondervermögen, Zeitenwende - Neue deutsche und europäische Sicherheitspolitik, aber wie? SPD Ratsfraktion Flensburg, 4. November 2022

  • Workshop, gemeinsam mit Susanne K. Schmidt und Martin Seeliger, Tackling emigration in EU member states – the welfare dimension, Universität Bremen, 6 - 7 Oktober 2022

  • Presentation, EU integration and the erosion of social citizenship in EU emigration countries, Worker Protection across Borders, Workshop at Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies (SCEUS), 29 – 30. September 2022

  • Training, EU labour and family migration policies, Collège d’Europe, 20 September 2022, Bruges (online)

  • Discussant, National Governments and Political Parties in MIgration Management, 17th Biannial International Conference, European Union Studies Association, Miami, May 19-21

  • Presentation, Markets and Movements: Does Freedom of Movement of Persons Promote Win-Win Scenarios or Dependency for Central and Easter European Countries in the Single Market? 17th Biannial International Conference, European Union Studies Association, MIami, May 19-21

  • Lecture, EU Migration and Asylum Politics, Hebron University in Palestine, 27 April 2022

  • Lecture, Freedom of Movement of Persons and Labour Migration Policy in the EU, Institute for European Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 16 March 2022

  • Presentation (online), Markets and Movements. Freedom of movement in the common market and effects on sending countries: win-win or dependency? Paper presented at Centre for Research on the Arts, Scoial Sciences and Humanities, Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay: The Consequences of Emigration for Sending Countries, 27-28 January 2022, University of Cambridge   

  • Presentation, Markets and Movements. Freedom of movement in the common market and effects on sending countries: win-win or dependency? Paper presented at MIRNet international conference, ‘New Dynamics of East-West Migration and Migrant Integration within Europe and Beyond, 16 November 2021, University of Sussex   

  • Panel member, EU Integration and Reconciliation, Opening ceremony Wasatia Graduate School for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Europa-Universität Flensburg, 4 November 2021 

  • Training, EU labour and family migration policies, Collège d’Europe, 21 September 2021, Bruges (online)

  • Presentation, Compensating for the Effects of Emigration. Eastern Europe and Policy Response to EU Freedom of Movement, New Challenges for Borderlands Studies: Regional, European and Global Perspectives, 8-10 September 2021, Opole

  • Lecture, Compensating for the Effects of Emigration. Eastern Europe and Policy Response to EU Freedom of Movement, European Centre for Minority Issues, Flensburg, 7 September 2021

  • Moderation, EU Immigration Policies, 27th International Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies, 21-25 June 2021

  • Presentation, How to Handle the Exodus? Policy Responses to EU Freedom of Movement in Eastern Europe, 27th International Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies, 21-25 June 2021

  • Presentation, How to Handle the Exodus? Policy Responses to EU Freedom of Movement in Eastern Europe, ECPR, Standing Group on the European Union, 10th SGEU Conference, Virtual Event 10-12 June 2021

  • Presentation, Bureaucratic Migration Politics in West Africa: EU Donor Influence as an Opportunity Structure, European Union in International Affairs, Virtual Event, 26-28 May 2021

  • Presentation, Wie mit dem Exodus Umgehen? Osteuropa und die EU Personenfreizügigkeit, 14. Landesfachtag Geographie, Institut für Qualitätsentwicklung an Schulen Schleswig-Holstein, 24 März 2021

  • Lecture on EU and Member State Labour Migration Policy at the Institute for European Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 31 March 2021

  • Lecture, EU Migration and Asylum Politics, Hebron University in Palestine, 29 March 2021

  • Presentation, How to Handle the Exodus? Responses to EU Freedom of Movement in Eastern Europe, VirEUs online Colloquium, 15 January 2021

  • Discussant, Resilient Institutions: The Impact of Rule Change on Policy Outputs in European Union Decision-Making Processes, Workshop at University of Bamberg, 14 December 2020

  • Presentation (together with Alexandra Berger), The politics of the migration-development nexus. Bureaucratic politics and agencification in an emerging EU policy area, NORTIA research day, 7-8 December 2020

  • Presentation, Rethinking Migration Policy in the Context of a Pandemic, online workshop by Vocal Europe, 8 December 2020

  • Chair, Panel Discussion 'The German Presidency of the Council of the European Union', Europa-Universität Flensburg, 18 November 2020

  • Training, EU labour migration policies, Collège d’Europe, 22 September 2020, Bruges (online)

  • Jury Member, PhD viva Laura Westerveen, 'Ethno-racial (In)equality in Germany and Belgium. Understanding Policy Frames', Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 9 October 2020

  • Expert, H2020 ERC Ethics Screening, European Research Executive Agency, Brussels 8-11 September 2020 (online)

  • Expert, H2020 ERC Ethics Screening, European Research Executive Agency, Brussels 25-27 March 2020

  • Lecture on EU Labour Migration Policy and EU Freedom of Movement at the Institute for European Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 4 March 2020


  • Roos, Christof & Zaun, Natascha (Ed.).  2018.  The Global Economic Crisis and Migration. Abingdon: Routledge (previously published as special issue with JEMS)
  • Roos, Christof. 2013. The EU and Immigration Policies: Cracks in the Walls of Fortress Europe? Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Mau, Steffen, Brabandt, Heike, Laube, Lena & Roos, Christof. 2012. Liberal States and the Freedom of Movement: Selective Borders, Unequal Mobility, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

  • Berger, Alexandra & Roos, Christof. 2024. The European Commission and the migration-development nexus: accessing resources and increasing the mandate, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,

  • Roos, Christof, Nagel, Max, Seeleger, Martin. 2024. Theorising the effects of emigration for origin countries: win-win, dependency or agency? Elast European Politics, 

  • Roos, Christof, Nagel, Max, Kieschnick, Hanna, Cherniak, Kseniia. 2024. The Emigration Conundrum: EU Countries of Origin of Migrants between Integration and Demarcation, Journal of Common Market Studies, (open access)

  • Roos, Christof, Cherniak, Kseniia & Kieschnick, Hanna. 2024. A European labour market and nationally bounded welfare states. EU emigration and challenges to social citizenship, Journal of European Integration,

  • Seeliger, Martin, Roos, Chirstof, Nagel, Max. 2023. Personenfreizügigkeit im gemeinsamen Markt und ihre Auswirkungen im Herkunftsland- Win-win-Situation oder Abhängigkeit? Leviathan, Vol. 51, No. 3, 396-422, DOI: 10.5771/0340-0425-2023-3-396

  • Roos, Christof.  2023.  Compensating for the Effects of Emigration. Eastern Europe and Policy Response to EU Freedom of Movement, Journal of European Public Policy, Vol. 30, No. 1, 174-192, DOI:10.1080/13501763.2021.1984547

  • Roos, Christof, Trauner, Florian & Adam, Ilke. 2023. Bureaucratic migration politics in West Africa: Opportunities and dependencies created by EU funding, International Migration Review, DOI: 10.1177/01979183221142775

  • Adam, Ilke, Trauner, Florian, Jegen, Leonie & Roos, Christof.  2020.  West African interests in (EU) migration policy. Balancing domestic priorities with external incentives, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, DOI:10.1080/1369183X.2020.175354 (open access)

  • Roos, Christof & Westerveen, Laura. 2020. The conditionality of EU freedom of movement: normative change in the discourse of EU institutions, Journal of European Social Policy,Vol. 30, No. 1, 63-78, DOI: 10.1177/0958928719855299

  • Paul, Regine & Roos, Christof. 2019. Towards a new ontology of crisis? Resilience in EU migration governance , European Security, 28:4, 393-412,DOI:10.1080/09662839.2019.1637340.

  • Roos, Christof.  2019.  The (de-) politicization of EU freedom of movement: political parties, opportunities, and policy framing in Germany and the UK, Comparative European Politics, Vol. 17, No. 5, p. 631-650, DOI: 10.1057/s41295-018-0118-1
  • Roos, Christof. 2019. Opposition or Consensus in the Justice and Home Affairs Council? The How and Why of Increansing Member State Contestation over EU Policy, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 41, No. 5, p. 569-586, DOI: 10.1080/07036337.2018.1537269
  • Roos, Christof.  2018.  EU Freedoms at a Critical Juncture? The Positions of Member State Governments on EU Person and Services Mobility, Culture Practice & Europeanization, Vol. 3, No. 1, p. 19-36
  • Roos, Christof & Zaun, Natascha. 2016. Editorial. The global economic crisis as a critical juncture? The crisis’s impact on migration movements and policies in Europe and the U.S., Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 42, No. 10, p. 1579-1589
  • Zaun, Natascha, Roos, Christof & Gülzau, Fabian. 2016. Circumventing deadlock through venue-shopping: Why there is more than just talk in U.S. immigration politics in times of crisis, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 42, No. 10, p. 1590-1609
  • Roos, Christof & Laube, Lena. 2015. Liberal Cosmopolitan Norms and the Border: Local Actors' Critique of the Governance of Global Processes, Ethnicities, Vol.15, No.3, p. 341-361
  • Roos, Christof. 2015. EU Politics on Labour Migration: Inclusion versus Admission, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 28, No. 3, p. 536-553
  • Roos, Christof & Zaun, Natascha. 2014. Norms Matter! The role of international norms in EU policies on asylum and immigration, European Journal of Migration and Law, Vol. 16, No. 1, p. 45-68
  • Roos, Christof. 2013. How to Overcome Deadlock in EU Immigration Politics, International Migration, Vol. 51, No. 6, p. 67-79
  • Laube, Lena & Roos, Christof. 2010. A Border for the People? Narratives on Changing Eastern Borders in Finland and Austria, Journal of Borderlands Studies, Vol. 25, No. 3&4, p. 31-49
  • Mau, Steffen, Laube, Lena, Roos, Christof, Wrobel, Sonja. 2008. Grenzen in der globalisierten Welt. Selektivität, Internationalisierung, Exterritorialisierung, Leviathan. Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, Vol. 36, No. 1, p. 123-148

  • Kostner, Sandra, Roos, Christof. 2021. Identitätspolitik als neue Dynamik im Strukturwandel der Öfffentlichkeit. Egalitäre Zugänge für Individuen oder für Merkmalsgruppen, in: Seeliger, Martin, Sebastian, Sevignani (Hrsg.), Leviathan Sonderband 37, 225-251

  • Roos, Christof. 2020. EU Migrationsrecht - politikwissenschaftliche Betrachtung, in Wollenschläger, Ferdinand (ed.), Enzyklopädie Europarecht, Band 10, Baden Baden: Nomos, p. 595-619

  • Zaun, Natascha & Roos, Christof. 2019. Immigration Policy and European Union Politics, in Laursen, Finn (ed), The Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.1083

  • Roos, Christof. 2019.  Liberale Wege zur Gestaltung der demokratischen Einwanderungsgesellschaft, in Kostner, Sandra (ed), Identitätslinke Läuterungsagenda. Eine Debatte zu ihren Folgen für Migrationsgesellschaften, Stuttgart: ibidem, p. 279-288

  • Roos, Christof. 2019. Multiple Insecurities. Potential implications of terminating freedom of movement in the UK, in Carrapico, Helena, Niehuss, Antonia, Berthelemy Chloe (ed.), Brexit and Internal Security. Political and Legal concerns in the context of the future UK-EU Relationship, Palgrave: Houndmills, pp. 124-128

  • Roos, Christof. 2018. Souveränität oder Solidarität? Die Reformbemühungen um das krisenhafte EU Grenzregime, in Goebel, Simon et al. (ed) FluchtMigration und gesellschaftliche Transformationsprozesse, Wiesbaden: Springer, p. 19-41

  • Roos, Christof. 2018. The Council and European Council in EU justice and home affairs politics, in Ripoll Servent, Ariadna and Trauner, Florian (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Justice and Home Affairs Research, Abingdon: Routledge, p. 421-444
  • Roos, Christof. 2016. Freedom of Movement in the EU and Welfare State Closure - Welfare Reime Type, Benefit Restrictions and Their Implications for Social Mobility, in Wulfgramm, Melike, Bieber, Tonia, Leibfried, Stephan (ed.), Welfare State Transformations and Inequality in OECD Countries, Palgrave: Houndmills, pp. 267-289
  • Roos, Christof. 2005. Europäische Asyl- und Migrationspolitik, in Schrenk, Klemens (ed), Zuwanderung und Integration, Rothenburger Beiträge Band 22, Fachhochschule für Polizei Sachsen: Rothenburg/ Oberlausitz, p. 85-102
  • Roos, Christof. 2005. Die Osterweiterung und die neue EU-Außengrenze in Osteuropa. Konsequenzen und Strategien für die Mitteleuropäischen Beitrittstaaten und ihre östlichen Nachbarn, in Kerner, Manfred & Suchoples, Jaroslav (ed), Skandinavien, Polen und die Länder der östlichen Ostsee. Vergangenheit, Gegenwart, Zukunft, Wroclaw: University of Wroclaw Press, p. 349-386

  • Roos, Christof. 2019. Book Review: The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Migration in Europe, Acta Politica, (), p.1-3

  • Trauner, Florian, Jegen, Leonie, Adam, Ilke & Roos, Christof. 2019. The International Organization for Migration in West Africa: Why its role is getting more contested, Bruges: UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies

  • Roos, Christof. 2019. Comment on Joseph Carens: On the Relationship between Normative Claims and Empirical Realities in Immigration, in Hoesch, Matthias, Laube, Lena (Eds), Proceedings of the 2018 ZiF Workshop "Studying Migration Policies at the Interface between Empirical Research and Normative Analysis", Münster: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 31-36.

  • Roos, Christof. 2016. What Justifies Open or Closed Borders in the Liberal Polity? Global. Kring voor Internationale betrekkingen, Vol.20, No.1, p. 10-12

  • Roos, Christof. 2014. Book Review: Crisis and Migration. Implications of the Eurozone Crisis for Perceptions, Politics, and Policies of Migration by Pieter Bo Bevelander and Bo Peterson (Ed) (2014), International Journal of Migration and Border Studies, Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 321-323

  • Eigmüller, Monika & Roos, Christof. 2010. Von Grenzsicherungspolitik zu selektiver Grenzöffnung: Das veränderte EU-Grenz- und Mobilitätsregime, WeltTrends. Zeitschrift für Internationale Politik, in Eigmüller, Monika & Roos, Christof (ed), Selektive Grenzen, Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 25-34

  • Eigmüller, Monika & Roos, Christof (ed). 2010. Selektive Grenzen, WeltTrends. Zeitschrift für Internationale Politik, Vol. 71, No. 2, p. 24

  • Adam, Ilke, Trauner, Florian, Jegen, Leonie, and Roos, Christof. 2019. West African Interests in (EU) Migration Policy, Policy Brief, Bruges: UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies
  • Trauner, Florian, Jegen, Leonie, Adam, Ilke & Roos, Christof. 2019. The International Organization for Migration in West Africa: Why its role is getting more contested, Bruges: UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies
  • Paul, Regine & Roos, Christof. 2018. Towards resilient migration governance in the EU: A conceptual appraisal, Ispra, 14-16 December 2018, The 2ed International Workshop on Modelling of Physical, Economic and Social Systems for Resilience Assessment, Luxembourg: European Union, p. 155-163
  • Orsini, Giacomo & Roos, Christof.  2017.  EU hotspots, relocation and absconded migrants in Italy. How to save Schengen within a failing Dublin system? IES Policy brief 2017/03
  • Roos, Christof. 2016. The BREXIT and EU freedom of movement: Legal uncertainty on both sides of the border, IES Brussels, Policy Brief 7, April 2016
  • Roos, Christof & Orsini, Giaccomo. 2015. How to reconcile the EU border paradox? The concurrence of refugee reception and deterrence, IES Brussels, Policy Brief 4, November 2015
  • Roos, Christof & Soebech, Olof. 2015. Societal Security Scenarios by University Students: The Temple Asylum Game, D 9.15 SOURCE A Virtual Centre of Excellence for Research Support and Coordination on Societal Security
  • Roos, Christof. 2010. Bordering Mobility – Networks in Regional Mobility Regulation. The EU and NAFTA in Comparison, University of Bremen, TransState Working Paper Series, No. 110
  • Mau, Steffen, Laube, Lena, Roos, Christof & Wrobel, Sonja. 2009. Globalized Borders? Selectivity, Internationalization, Exterritorialization, Working Paper Series, The American University of Paris, No. 82
  • Magoni, Raphaele, Roos, Christof, Buda, Dirk. 2007. Migration from Africa: A Case Study on Root Causes and Factors Contributing to Migration from Senegal to the EU, European Commission: Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen Support to External Security, TN/ 6901/ 2007