Multi-Level-Approach in TRIP
TRIP aims to develop effective mechanisms for the design and delivery of curricula that are inclusive and provide access to cross-cutting skills (e.g. intercultural competence and global citizenship), while also fulfilling the commitment to address key societal challenges.
TRIP focuses on mapping, capacity building, embedding, evaluation and quality assurance of an inclusive internationalisation approach aligned to UN SDG4:
- Building an inclusive network of higher education institutions (macro-organisational level).
- Training and implementing innovations to promote internationalisation at home, training for teachers (curricular, meso-organisational level)
- Training for teachers and students in the field of inclusion and interculturality to promote internationalisation at home (micro-individual level)
- Enable institutions through a quality-assured process to engage purposefully with the UN SDGs (with a focus on SDG4 - Quality Education) (macro-(trans-)national level)
Complementary development of the project results
Project Result 1 (EUF and UL): Target group: university teachers, university staff (e-course module)
- Compilation of a compendium of best practice guidelines for the development of intercultural inclusive training,
- Development of an e-learning course with micro-credentials.
- Trainings for teachers, implementation of university didactic training,
- Implementation of training with all partners
Project Result 2 (UR2 and UCM): Target group: students (e-course module)
- Acquisition of transversal skills, including intercultural competence, critical thinking and problem-solving,
- Virtual modules on the UN SDGs,
- Mobility through virtual international exchange and virtual challenges
Project Result 3 (UMB and UL): Target group: universities (manual and guide)
- Development of a comprehensive, transnationally accepted definition of a responsible higher education institution,
- Development and test ofa certificate for quality-assured internationalisation at home with the aim to
- Definition of initial guidelines for addressing the UN SDGs.
- Creation of an interactive resource and policy guide (OER)
Prof. Dr.Michelle Witen
- Phone
- +49 461 805 2176
- Building
- Gebäude Oslo
- Room
- OSL 170
- Street
- Auf dem Campus 1
- Post code / City
- 24943 Flensburg

Dr.Kathrin Rheinländer
Koordination PR1: Aufgaben der EUF in TRIP
- Phone
- +49 461 805 3335
- Building
- Gebäude Riga 7
- Room
- RIG 718
- Street
- Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 3a
- Post code / City
- 24943 Flensburg
Carlotta Kühnemund
Projektkoordination und Qualitätsmanagement in TRIP
- Phone
- +49 461 805 2430
- Building
- Gebäude Dublin
- Room
- DUB 017
- Street
- Campusallee 3
- Post code / City
- 24943 Flensburg