
Welcome to the website of Europa-Universität Flensburg.

What is Europa-Universität Flensburg?

The short form for Europa-Universität Flensburg is EUF.
EUF is a university.
A short form for university is uni.
EUF has been here for many years.

What do you do at a university?

At a university, you can study.
This is also called doing a course or program.
People who study are called students.
Many people study at EUF.

To study, you need a secondary school diploma.
You get this diploma at a school. For example, you can get it at a high school or upper secondary school.
To study some subjects, you need good grades.
If you want to study music or sports, you need a secondary school diploma and you must take an extra test.
This test is called an aptitude test.

In your studies, you learn about a specific topic.
You choose the topic and study it in a course.
EUF has about 20 courses.

One course is called European Studies.
In this course, you learn a lot about Europe.
For example, you learn:

  • How people in Europe think.
  • How people in Europe live.
  • What people in Europe like and don’t like.

Another course is called Culture, Language, Media.
In this course, you learn:

  • How people from different cultures think.
  • How people from different countries speak.
  • How to understand people from other countries.
  • You will also work on group projects.

Another course is called Social Sciences.
In this course, you learn:

  • How people create societies together.
  • How societies change over time.
  • How societies change over time.

EUF also offers other courses, like:

  • Sign language.
  • Frisian and Turkish languages (Frisian is spoken near the North Sea).
  • Theater education.
  • How to run a kindergarten.

There are many ways to learn at a university, for example:

  • You listen to lectures and take notes.
  • You discuss ideas with other students and practice debating.
    Debating means convincing others of your opinion.
  • You read academic books and journals and write a term paper about them.
  • You practice in a chemistry lab, woodworking shop, theater workshop, or kitchen.
  • You do an internship at a school and teach students.
  • You do an internship in politics or business.
    This helps you use what you learned in your studies.

When you finish your studies, you get a certificate.
This is called a degree.

There are different types of degrees, such as:

Bachelor's degree

  • Bachelor's is an English word.
  • Bachelor's is pronounced "Bats-che-lers."
  • A bachelor’s degree takes 3 to 4 years.

Master's degree:

  • Master's is an English word
  • It is pronounced "Mah-ster."
  • You can only do a master’s degree if you already have a bachelor’s degree.
  • A master’s program takes 1 to 2 years.


  • To get this degree, you must first complete: your basic studies, advanced studies, and your thesis.

Studying costs money

1 year at a university has 2 semesters.
1 semester is 6 months.
You must pay 233,60 euros per semester.
For this you will get an ID card.
With this card, you can ride buses and trains for free.
Unlike an apprenticeship, you don’t get paid while studying.
You must pay for your food and housing.
You can apply for Bafög.
Bafög stands for Federal Training Assistance.
Bafög is financial help from the government. It is for people who study or do an internship.
You can use Bafög to pay for your food, housing, and study costs.
You must pay back half the money after you start working.

EUF works with the Student Union.
The Student Union supports students.
It has dormitories where students can live at low costs.
There are not enough dormitory rooms for all 6,000 students at EUF.
But if you have a disability, 
You will get priority for a dormitory room.

EUF also has a large cafeteria.
The cafeteria is called the Mensa.
At the Mensa, you can get meals from Monday to Friday.
Students pay lower prices for meals.

People with disabilities or chronic illnesses 
can apply for "compensation for disadvantages."
Compensation for disadvantages helps students with disabilities.
Students with disabilities often have disadvantages.
The compensation helps them have the same chances as others.
What type of compensation will you get?
This depends on what type of disability you have, 
and how severe your disability is.

When people with disabilities take exams,
the exam can be changed to help them.
How will the exam be changed? How much of the exam will change?
This depends on the type of disability.
This is decided for each person individually.
You can get advice from the Diversity Office at EUF.

The Diversity Office supports all students.
You can ask them for help if you:

  • Have problems
  • Need advice

Who works at EUF?

Many people at EUF work in research.
Research means discovering new things.

Others work as professors.
Professors are teachers.
They teach students.

Some people work in administration.
They take care of:

  • People at EUF
  • Buildings
  • Technology
  • Money


How to reach us:

Europa-Universität Flensburg
Diversity Office, Jorma Heier
Campusallee 3
DUB 009d
24943 Flensburg

Phone number: 0461-805-2767
Are you calling from another country?
For example, Denmark?
Use the German country code: +49 461 805 2767

Email: jorma.heier-PleaseRemoveIncludingDashes-@uni-flensburg.de

Information about texts in plain language

  • The texts in plain language were created by the Plain Language Office of Diakonie Nord Nord Ost.
  • The texts were translated by translators who know plain language principles.
  • A trained review group checked the texts. This group only included people who have learning difficulties. They made sure the texts are easy to understand.