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GraZ I Knowledge organization and reference management with CITAVI
In this course, the basic functions of Citavi are explained and practiced.
Citavi is a Windows-based software for managing and structuring references and citations as well as for organising knowledge. The ‘Knowledge’ section gives you the opportunity to analyse literature intensively, create collections and put sources in relation to each other.
The following topics are covered:
- Installation and campus licence
- Structure and basic functions
- Researching and importing literature from databases and catalogues
- Structuring and analysing content (structuring, links between titles, integrating and annotating PDFs)
- Record citations
- Organising knowledge with the help of categories, groups and keywords
- Creating texts and bibliographies
- Planning tasks
- Help and support
Preparation for the Workshop: Throughout the campus Citavi is used as a reference management program. You can download Citavi for Windows to your personal computer at no charge. please use the respective licensing option of Europa-Universität Flensburg.