Dr.Christian Hauenstein

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Europa-Universität Flensburg
Energie- und Umweltmanagement
z.H. Christian Hauenstein
Auf dem Campus 1
24943 Flensburg
Christian Hauenstein (m) ist seit April 2021 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Europa-Universität Flensburg (zuvor von 2018 bis 2021 an der Technischen Universität (TU) Berlin). Er ist Doktorand an der TU Berlin, an welcher er seit 2021 ebenfalls als Gastwissenschaftler tätig ist. Er arbeitet seit 2018 ebenfalls als Gastwissenschaftler am Deutschen Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin). Seit 2020 ist er Stipendiat der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.
Er hat einen M.Sc.-Abschluss in Renewable Energy Engineering and Management (2017) und einen B.Sc. in Umweltnaturwissenschaften (2015) der Universität Freiburg.
In seiner Forschung konzentriert er sich auf sozial-ökologische Transformationen von Energiesystemen und insbesondere auf den Ausstieg aus fossilen Brennstoffen. Er kombiniert quantitative, technisch-ökonomische Modellierung mit qualitativen Ansätzen der Politikwissenschaft, um Wege zur Überwindung der Kohlenstoffbindung des aktuellen Energiesystems zu bewerten.
- Hauenstein, C. / Braunger, I. / Krumm, A. / Oei, P. (2023): Overcoming political stalemates: The German stakeholder commission on phasing out coal, Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 103, 2023, ISSN 2214-6296, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2023.103203
- Hauenstein, C. / Holz, F. / Rathje, L. / Mitterecker, T. (2022): Stranded Assets in the Coal Export Industry? The Case of the Australian Galilee Basin; DIW Berlin Discussion Paper 2003, Berlin: German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin). https://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/diw_01.c.840655.de/dp2003.pdf
- Hauenstein, C./ Hainsch, K./ Herpich, P./ von Hirschhausen, C./ Holz, F./ Kemfert, C./ Kendziorski, M./ Oei, P.-Y./ Rieve, C. (2022): Stromversorgung auch ohne russische Energielieferungen und trotz Atomausstieg sicher – Kohleausstieg 2030 bleibt machbar. DIW aktuell, Nr. 84 : Sonderausgaben zum Krieg in der Ukraine. https://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/diw_01.c.839634.de/diw_aktuell_84.pdf
- Brauers, H. / Hauenstein, C. / Braunger, I. / Krumm, A. / Oei, P.-Y. (2022): Comparing Coal Commissions. What to learn for future fossil phase-outs?; In CINTRAN, March 2022. https://coaltransitions.org/publications/comparing-coal-commissions/
- Hanto, J./ Krawielicki, L./ Krumm, A./ Moskalenko, N./ Löffler, K./ Hauenstein, C./ Oei, P.-Y. (2021): Effects of Decarbonization on the Energy System and Related Employment Effects in South Africa. Environmental Science & Policy, 124 (October): 73–84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2021.06.001.
- Yanguas Parra, P. / Hauenstein, C. / Oei, P.-Y. (2021): The Death Valley of Coal – Modelling COVID-19Recovery Scenarios for Steam Coal Markets; in Applied Energy 288 (April): 116564. doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2021.116564
- Hauenstein, C. / Holz, F. (2021): The U.S. coal sector between shale gas and renewables: Last resort coal exports?; in Energy Policy, 149, 112097. doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2020.112097
- Buschbeck, C. / Bitterich, L. / Hauenstein, C. / Pauliuk, S. (2020): Multi-objective optimization identifies trade-offs between self-sufficiency and environmental impacts of regional agriculture in Baden-Württemberg, Germany; in Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and CommunityDevelopment, 10(1), 1–20. doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2020.101.003
- Hauenstein, C. / Holz, F. (2020): The U.S. Coal Sector between Shale Gas and Renewables: Last Resort Coal Exports?; DIW Berlin Discussion Paper 1880, Berlin: German Institute for Economic Research(DIW Berlin). www.diw.de/de/diw_01.c.793549.de/publikationen/diskussionspapiere/2020_1880/the_u.s._coal_sector_between_shale_gas_and_renewables__last_resort_coal_exports.html
- Braunger, I. / Hauenstein, C. (2020): Pokern um die Zukunft. Verzögerungstaktiken beim Klimaschutz am Beispiel von CO2 Abscheidung und -Speicherung. In Grundrechte-Report 2020. Zur Lage der Bürger- und Menschenrechte in Deutschland, 177–80. Grundrechte-Report. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer S. Verlag GmbH, www.grundrechte-report.de/index.php
- Braunger, I. / Hauenstein, C. (2020): How Incumbent Cultural and Cognitive Path Dependencies Constrain the "Scenario Cone": Reliance on Carbon Dioxide Removal due to Techno-bias; in Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 9 (1), 137-145. doi.org/10.5547/2160-5890.9.1.ibra
- Mendelevitch, R. / Hauenstein, C. / Holz, F. (2019): The death spiral of coal in the U.S.: will changes in U.S. Policy turn the tide?, in Climate Policy, 19 (10), 1310-1324. www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14693062.2019.1641462
- Mendelevitch, R. / Hauenstein, C. / Holz, F. (2019): The Death Spiral of Coal in the USA: Will New U.S. Energy Policy Change the Tide?; DIW Berlin Discussion Paper 1790, Berlin: German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin). www.diw.de/de/diw_01.c.614157.de/publikationen/diskussionspapiere/2019_1790/9014929.html
Vorträge / Präsentationen
- Hauenstein, C. (2022/02/23): "Stranded Assets in the Coal Export Industry? The Case of the Australian Galilee Basin", DIW Berlin seminar presentation, held online (Berlin, Germany)
- Hauenstein, C. (2021/11/09-12): "Coal phase out process in Germany", POCACITO: Beyond Fossil Fuels - Just Transition in Colorado/Arizona/California and Germany, held online (Denver/Phoenix/Los Angeles, USA)
- Hauenstein, C. (2021/07/08): "The potential of collaborative institutions for major policy change – Lessons from the German ‘Coal Commission’", 5th International Conference on Public Policy, held online (Barcelona, Spain)
- Hauenstein, C. (2021/06/23): "The U.S. coal sector between shale gas and renewables: Last resort coal exports?", 26th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, held online (Berlin, Germany)
- Hauenstein, C. (2021/06/14): "Coal mining investments on shaky grounds: Avoiding overcapacities of coal supply", 39th International Energy Workshop, held online (Freiburg, Germany)
- Hauenstein, C. (2020/11/20): "Climate policies and stranded assets risk: Prospects for thermal coal production assets under global coal phase-out scenarios", PhD-Seminar on the Economics of Fossil Fuel Phase-out, Dialog zur Klimaökonomie, held online (Kiel, Germany)
- Hauenstein, C. (2020/08/19): "The potential of collaborative institutions for major policy change – Lessons from the German ‘Coal Commission’", 11th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, held online (Vienna, Austria)
- Hauenstein, C. (2020/02/18): "Integrated coal scenarios for the U.S. case - Assessment from a sectoral perspective", PEGASOS Workshop "Frontiers in modeling fossil fuels phase-out and stranded assets: a political economy perspective", Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- Hauenstein, C. (2019/10/07): "Forecasting climate change mitigation measures", Workshop "Forecasting Cultures", Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
- Hauenstein, C. (2019/08/27): "Coal Phase Out Implications for Steam Coal Producers: The Risk of Asset Stranding", 16th IAEE European Conference, University of Ljubljana
- Hauenstein, C. (2018/11/01): "Declining Coal Production in the U.S. - Will the New U.S. Energy Policy Change the Tide?", Trans-Atlantic Infraday Conference, Washington DC, USA
Betreute Abschlussarbeiten
- The Czech coal phase-out – Analysis of drivers and barriers for a sustainable energy Transition (2021), Master thesis
- The economics and engineering of CO2 pipeline Systems (2021), Master thesis
- Developing an International Coal Transition Index to Evaluate the Progress of Energy Transition (2019), Bachelor thesis
- Carbon Dioxide Removal – Techno-Economic Review (2019), Bachelor thesis