University News

January 2024

Zero Tolerance for Intolerance!

A joint statement of the higher education institutions of the State of Schleswig-Holstein
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EUF staff members at an Infobooth

Degree Program Options in Flensburg

Flensburg campus welcomes prospective students to information day
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October 2023

A Place of Encounter: The Potential Role of Universities in Humanitarian Conflicts

Encounter and Discussion in the Campelle
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Picture of the Campelle Flensburg (chapel on campus)

Conversation on "Violence and Reconciliation in the Middle East"

Invitation in the Campelle on the campus of the EUF on Thursday, 19th of October, from 16:00 - 17:30h.
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Memorial for the Sinti and Roma Individuals Deported from Flensburg

EUF historian Sebastian Lotto-Kusche acts as academic consultant
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September 2023

2 Languages, 48 Courses: Europa-University Flensburg Celebrates Diversity

Introducing the Language Center
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Zwei Frauen und zwei Männer auf dem Campus in Cambridge lächeln in die Kamera

Europa-Universität Flensburg Paves the Way for Closer Collaboration with the University of Cambridge

Vice President Prof. Dr. Ulrich Glassmann Visits Cambridge
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"Primavera" Sculpture is Back - For the Time Being

The Executive Board declares decision to remove the statue null and void
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August 2023

Podium discussion "Bildungspartner Landwirtschaft: Themen, Ideen, Projekte"

Prof. Dr. Birgit Peuker explores how agriculture can become a partner in education
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July 2023

Die Statue einer nackten Frau von vorne

Europa-Universität Flensburg in the Media

Debate Over Removal of the "Primavera" Sculpture
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