University Events Calendar

2024 September

Infoplakat über Future Entrepeneurship
Sep 18 Lectures

Lecture and discussion on sustainable entrepreneurship

Wednesday, 17:00, Dänische Bibliothek Flensburg
Future Entrepreneurship Beyond Silicon Valley - PGE Roadshow
Internal event
weiße Möwe auf einer blauen Postkarte; Congratulations; Herzlichen Glückwunsch
Sep 27 Festivities and receptions

Teacher Education Graduation Ceremony

Friday, 14:00, Deutsches Haus
Teacher Education Graduation Ceremony and Masterball for all

2024 October

Internal event
weiße Möwe auf einer roten Postkarte; Congratulations, Herzlichen Glückwunsch
Oct 11
Festivities and receptions

Graduation Ceremony - International Management

Friday, 14:00
Graduation Ceremony - International Management