Kalender Abteilung Kunst und visuelle Medien


Minimal Spaces Workshop von Judit Skaliczki (nur für Studierende) OSL 633

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(nur für Studierende) Studiport EUF - Workshop: Minimal Spaces (uni-flensburg.de)

What is the minimum space we need for a human existence? What qualities would determine the minimum? What impact can we have on our minimum space under extreme conditions? The workshop will deal with the spatial needs of humans from different aspects. We will look more closely at the concept of minimum space. Through common building and constructing activities – based on conceptual art – we can examine a human’s personal need for space. This experience can help us to get closer to the current difficulties caused by such events like the epdemic or the migration.

Dieser Workshop wird von Judit Skaliczki von unserer Partneruniversität Eötvös Lorand University in Budapest (ELTE) durchgeführt.
Die Teilnehmer:innenzahl ist begrenzt auf 15.
Bitte melden Sie sich per Email im Sekretariat der Kunst an: renate.brodersen@uni-flensburg.de