Summer School "Islam und Demokratie"
11. - 15.06.2019
The Summer School is organized by the Seminar für Evangelische Theologie/Abteilung Dialog der Religionen, in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies (ICES) and the International Center. This year the specific topic of the Summer School will be: "Islam and Democracy". It will bring together some of the most prominent lecturers and academics in the field of religion, reconciliation, and political science.
It is not uncommon to argue that there is an almost unresolvable contradiction between Islam as a religion and democratic principles. The history of Islam shows that Muslims have usually pragmatically determined the relationship between state and politics, although political rule has mostly sought to derive their basic legitimacy from religion. There have been periods of very close links between politics and religion - for example, in the early days of the Islamic community in Medina - and also those in which a de facto separation prevailed, with religion often being instrumentalized for political purposes. In the opinion of most Muslims in Germany, Islam is compatible with democracy, because the Koran does not develop a theory of politics and government. Issues as such will be discussed from the perspective of different disciplines with a range of internationally known scholars and students from our partner universities in Palestine.
Prof. Dr.Ralf K. Wüstenberg
- Telefon
- +49 461 805 2180
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