ClimatePol: Climate Adaptation and Policy across the Border

The interdisciplinary and transnational Interreg project „ClimatePol: Climate Adapation across the border” will examine climate change in the German-Danish border region, how local actors are responding to it, and what measures can be taken to make the region more climate resilient. The subproject led by Prof. Dr. Emanuel Deutschmann at EUF in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dorte Jagetic Andersen from SDU’s Centre for Border Region Studies will specifically aim at mapping how actors in the region work together to tackle climate change and what obstacles exist for cross-border cooperation. ClimatePol will run for three years starting in 2024 and is funded with a total of close to 2.8 million Euros.


Climate change, German-Danish border
01.03.2024 - 28.02.2027
Institutionen der EUF
Seminar für Soziologie, Interdisziplinäres Europaforschungszentrum (ICES)



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