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Hier finden Sie Termine, die einen Forschungszusammenhang aufweisen. Im Hochschulweiten Kalender finden Sie weitere Termine aus der Universität, im Gremienkalender die nächsten Sitzungstermine von Ausschüssen und Selbstverwaltungs-Organen wie dem Senat.

Writing Course for Doctoral Researchers


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This seminar series is not to fix a problem or offer a solution, but it provides space and time for social sciences researchers at the doctoral level who write their dissertation in English.

The course is informed by an understanding of writing as a social practice, taking into account behavioural, artisanal, social and emotional habits (Sword, 2017). The writing workshop series, which has similarly been running as a pilot at Brunel University London between July and September 2021, is designed as a collaborative and generative writing space.

The course is divided into four blocks:

  • The context of writing, namely the behavioural and emotional habits of participants, is first elucidated. 
  • The second block introduces artisanal techniques of academic writing.
  • Writing for/ with/ among others is the third block,
  • whereas the fourth goes back to the artisanal methods focusing on editing.

Each session is designed for a duration of four hours with balanced input, writing time and peer-to-peer exchange.

Register by e-mail to 


Join via meeting-link below.

Meeting number: 842 483 425
Password: 1700


Dr. Eva Bulgrin
University of Sussex