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"These things from back then..." - Speechless and eloquent, the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament "copes" with the Nazi past in the post-war decades.

Phänomenta Flensburg

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Prof. Dr. Uwe Danker of the Seminar for History and Didactics of History will give a lecture today on the topic ""These Things from Back Then..." - Speechless and eloquent "coping" with the Nazi past in the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament in the postwar decades." at the Flensburg lecture series.

The Flensburg lecture series is jointly organized by the Department of Physics and the Department of English and American Studies. It has been held since 2013 with an annually changing overall theme in cooperation with Phänomenta and Flensburg Adult Education Center in the Phänomenta lecture hall. The theme of this year's series is "unsayable" - inviting us to explore some of the boundaries that science faces: What is sayable within the discipline, what is unsayable, what is unspeakable, and where does the discipline fail before questions - perhaps because they are outside the subject matter of those questions. How does what is sayable change, how does what was sayable become unsayable/unspeakable, and how does unsayable perhaps become part of scientific discourse after all? These are questions that will be addressed in the lectures of the lecture series.

Please note the current admission and hygiene rules at Phänomenta (see:

Current information on the lecture series can be found at


Phänomenta Flensburg
Norderstraße 157-163
24939 Flensburg


Peter Heering (Physik) & Sibylle Machat (Anglistik und Amerikanistik)