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LinkedIn 101: Your Professional Brand Online - EUCS & EUS Career Month
will be announced upon registration
Today: LinkedIn 101: Your Professional Brand Online
Language: English
Career Month?
During this event, students of the B.A. European Cultures and Society and the M.A. European Studies will have the opportunity to participate in several events to prepare them to start their careers after the end of their studies.
Part of the program will be:
- A Welcome event about future possibilities with guest speakers from the International Center, the Campus Career and the Welcome Center Schleswig-Holstein;
- Alumni Career Spotlights - an event series which will allow students to meet and network alumni of both study programs virtually and in person;
- Several Campus Career Workshops;
- LinkedIn 101: Your Professional Brand Online - an event to prepare students for digital age networking;
- Presentation of the Master programs offered at the EUF;
- Excursion to potential employers of the region;
- EU Careers: EPSO (European Personnel Selection Office) presentation;
- And much more.
Mandatory registration to nora.sheehan-TextEinschliesslichBindestricheBitteEntfernen-
- Name
- will be announced upon registration
- Name
- B.A. European Cultures and Society & M.A. European Studies
- Homepage
- patricia.barbosa-TextEinschliesslichBindestricheBitteEntfernen-