Alle Termine des Forschungskalenders

Hier finden Sie Termine, die einen Forschungszusammenhang aufweisen. Im Hochschulweiten Kalender finden Sie weitere Termine aus der Universität, im Gremienkalender die nächsten Sitzungstermine von Ausschüssen und Selbstverwaltungs-Organen wie dem Senat.

Knowlege, academia and us

Knowledge, academia and us: an exchange on international experiences

Have you ever wondered what a PhD or Post-Doc would be like in another country? Are you considering spending time abroad as a young researcher, PhD student or Post-Doc? Or do you want to meet other PhDs and Post-Docs?

The second event in the series on "Produktionsbedingungen in der Wissenschaft/Production Conditions in Academia", is an opportunity for us to compare academia across different countries.
We will have guests sharing their unique experiences as young scholars, PhDs and Post-docs across the globe. They answer questions about their journeys abroad, including preparations for the move, the opportunities they found while beeing there and reflections on coming back.
We want to open up the conversation and broaden the perspective on the unique opportunities and struggles in different academic systems.

Everyone is invited. Feel free to bring colleagues and friends.

If you would like to join for the dinner afterwards, please send a mail to: until 19th of May.

For further information see the flyer or visit our webiste:


or online via: (Meeting-ID: 994 6251 7642, Kenncode: 008828).
24943 Flensburg

