Alle Termine des Forschungskalenders

Hier finden Sie Termine, die einen Forschungszusammenhang aufweisen. Im Hochschulweiten Kalender finden Sie weitere Termine aus der Universität, im Gremienkalender die nächsten Sitzungstermine von Ausschüssen und Selbstverwaltungs-Organen wie dem Senat.

Entrepreneurship Education & Students Entrepreneurial Intention


Meinem Kalender hinzufügen

We are excited that we successfully launched @ventureDock, an initiative of Europa-Universität and Hochschule Flensburg, funded by the ‚Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie‘ (BMWi) and are now not only offering our seminar ‘Entrepreneurial @venture’ for the third time this semester (to over 70 students this fall) but also host a variety of workshops & events.

About the Workshop

The workshop aims to stimulate discussions and derive testable hypotheses on the opportunities and boundaries of entrepreneurship education at EUF & HS. It will aim to effectively address and combat stereotypes, barriers and challenges to student's exploration and exploitation of digital innovation potentials, their entrepreneurial mindset, entrepreneurial efforts and intention. Ultimately the outcome are ideas of initiatives and support systems towards a holistic approach of Entrepreneurship Education at EUF & HS. We will spend time in discussions and brainstorming design thinking exercises.

All EUF & HS Researchers, Professors, Lecturers, and those who are interested, in campus wide Entrepreneurship Education are invited to join us for an interactive workshop

Sign up here




@ventureDock Projekt
Europa-Universität Flensburg
Munketoft 3b
24937 Flensburg