Projektarbeit 2024

How is the whole process of Project Work going to work with students who will be abroad next term?

You should also decide and apply for one of the projects on offer, even if you are planning to go abroad. We have always conceived of Project Work as a module in your fifth semester that you can easily take abroad with you. If you are actually going, the ‘normal’ deadlines do not apply, and you can finish and hand in your paper after your return. Ask your supervisor, and they will arrange the details with you. What is necessary, however, is your careful preparation during the summer, which should not be postponed.

Am I bound in my choice to the discipline – either Literature or Linguistics – in which I am writing my Module 5 Term Paper in the fourth semester?

No, you are not. You are absolutely free to now go for the other field, or to stick to the one you have already worked in. For those of you planning to write their bachelors thesis in the English Department, however, it might be advisable to choose Project Work in the direction of that potential BA-Thesis. Some supervisors strongly favour this preparatory choice (inquire with the supervisor of your choice), although we have accepted others in some cases. As our general ground rules have it, this Project Work is the best preparation for an informed and sensible choice for your bachelor thesis topic.

Will I be accepted in the course of my choice?

Usually, most students' requests for specific courses can be granted. In case that some courses face an unusually high number of registrations, lecturers will be in close contact with each other to ensure a fair distribution of students across courses. In that case, supervisors will be in touch with you individually. If we have to reassign students to other courses, we usually go by the principle of first come, first served, so you might want to register earlier rather than later.

When will I know whether I have been accepted and registered?

We will contact you to confirm your registration before the exam weeks are over.