DokNet - EUF's Interdisciplinary Doctoral Network

The Interdisciplinary Doctoral Network (DokNet) is a self-organized association of doctoral researchers. Since 2010, it has been open to anyone who is or is planning on pursuing a PhD at EUF.

The overarching goal of DokNet is to connect researchers in the qualification phase at EUF. It particularly targets research associates and academic staff, project staff, scholarship and fellowship holders, and external doctoral candidates. DokNet is a place for academic networking among doctoral candidates and promotes informal exchange between them.

DokNet Events:

About DocNet

DokNet holds regular events in the following formats:

  • DokNet general assemblies
  • Project pools
  • DokNet regular meetups
  • LunchBreaks
  • Writing meetups

Ideas for new projects and formats are always welcome!

Currently, all events take place online via Webex.

DokNet members are committed to representing the interests of doctoral students at EUF in matters of higher education policy. The group consistently focuses on current university policy issues that affect researchers in the doctoral qualification phase of their careers.

DokNet strives to identify, spotlight and represent the needs of doctoral students in higher education policy processes. To that end, we have a dedicated working group solely focused on higher education policy issues (Higher Education Policy WG).

DokNet is run by a team of elected representatives, who are voted into office by DokNet members during one of the general assemblies. General assemblies also serve as platforms for discussing and exchanging views on current topics, ongoing projects, and other matters. Unlike the elections, which happen once per year, DokNet assemblies take place each semester.

In addition to the team of representatives, DokNet has two working groups (WGs):

  • The Networking WG organizes events that promote networking and informal exchange among doctoral students.
  • The Higher Education Policy WG handles DokNet’s university policy work.

Each of these working groups has a coordinating representative and a spokesperson, who serves to support the representative.

These organizational officers see themselves as DokNet-internal (and— for spokespeople—external) mediators and coordinators. The liveliness and long-term stability of the network depends on the commitment of numerous interested people, who bring topics and ideas to the group and thus support its mission and work. While active involvement is never required, it is always very welcome. Simply participating in DokNet events enriches the network, strengthens common interests, and fosters exchange.

We cordially invite all doctoral students and prospective doctoral students to participate in, benefit from, and get involved in the DokNet network! Interested parties from universities, universities of applied sciences, and the region are also welcome.

DokNet offers doctoral researchers the opportunity to network academically and non-academically and to exchange information. There are two options for this:

You can reach DokNet coordinators and spokespeople by email to If you want to join DokNet and regularly receive event announcements and other information via our email distribution list, please contact us at We are also happy to answer questions about the network or any DokNet-related events, job offers, etc.

As a doctoral student, you can also request access to the Moodle 2 DokNet exchange group, which offers important information and documents for anyone who is pursuing a doctorate.

External doctoral students who don’t have a university email address are also warmly welcome at DokNet! Registration and membership are of course free of charge.


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