Dr.Andrea Furnaro-Lobos

- Name
- Abteilung für Nachhaltige Energiewende
- Funktion
- Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Andrea ist seit August 2020 assoziierte Forscherin in der CoalExit-Gruppe. Sie hat einen Ph.D. in Geographie von der University of California – Los Angeles. Ihre Forschung konzentriert sich auf die Geographie, Politik und Regulierung der Ressourcenabbau und Energiewende aus internationaler Perspektive. In ihrer Dissertation analysierte sie die geopolitische Ökonomie des Kohleausstiegs in Deutschland. In der CoalExit-Gruppe arbeitet sie an Projekten zu den Energie-, Wirtschafts- und Gerechtigkeitsherausforderungen bei der Dekarbonisierung von Entwicklungsländern, die reich an fossilen Brennstoffen sind, und bei der Entwicklung hin zu einem kontrollierten Rückgang der Produktion.
- Furnaro, A. 2024. Just Energy Transition in the Time of Place-Based Industrial Policy: Patch or Pathway to the Green Industrial Transformation? In Industrial Policy 2025: Bringing the State Back In (Again). Roosevelt Institute. https://rooseveltinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/4013_RI_IndustrialPolicyReport_2025.pdf
- Yanguas-Parra, P. A., Malz, N., Oei, P. Y., Furnaro, A., Hauenstein, C., Quiceno, G., ... & Hanto, J. 2023. Perspective: How a short-term relapse to coal could put exporting countries and just transition processes at risk. Energy Research & Social Science, 97, 102989.
- Furnaro, A. and Manley, D. 2023. Facing the Future: What National Oil Companies Say About the Energy Transition. Natural Resource Governance Institute. https://resourcegovernance.org/publications/facing-future-what-national-oil-companies-say-about-energy-transition
- Manley, D., Furnaro, A., and Heller, P. 2023 Riskier Bets, Smaller Pockets: How National Oil Companies Are Spending Public Money Amid the Energy Transition. Natural Resource Governance Institute. https://resourcegovernance.org/publications/riskier-bets-smaller-pockets-national-oil-companies-public-money-energy-transition
- Furnaro, A., and Fitzgerlad, S. 2023. Empresas estatales de litio en América Latina: desafíos y oportunidades. Natural Resource Governance Institute. https://resourcegovernance.org/es/publications/empresas-estatales-de-litio-en-america-latina-desafios-y-oportunidades
- Furnaro, A. 2023. Geographies of devaluation: Spatialities of the German coal exit. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 0308518X221148731.
- Furnaro, A., & Yanguas-Parra, P. 2022. A Global South Perspective on Stranded Regions: Insights from the Decline of Coal Mining in Cesar, Colombia. Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 11(2), 27-48. www.iaee.org/en/publications/eeeparticle.aspx
- Furnaro, A, and Kay, K. 2022. Labor resistance and municipal power: Scalar mismatch in the Los Angeles Green New Deal. Political Geography, Vol. 98. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2022.102684
- Furnaro, A. 2022. The last subsidy: regulating devaluation in the German coal phase-out, New Political Economy, https://doi.org/10.1080/13563467.2022.2084523
- Furnaro, A., Herpich, P., Brauers, H., Oei, Pao-Yu., Kemfert, C. & Look, W. 2021. German Just Transition: A Review of Public Policies to Assist German Coal Communities in Transition. Resources for the Future.
- Furnaro, A. & Kay, K. 2021. Phasing Out Fossil Fuel Infrastructure in Los Angeles: Challenges for a Just Transition. University of California, Los Angeles.
- Furnaro, A. 2021. The role of moral devaluation in phasing out fossil fuels: limits for a socioecological fix. Antipode. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/anti.12733
- Furnaro, A. 2020. Neoliberal energy transitions: The renewable energy boom in the Chilean mining economy. EPE: Nature and Space, Vol. 3(4) 951–975. https://doi.org/10.1177/2514848619874685
- Furnaro, A. 2019. Hegemony and passivity in mining regions: Containing dissent in north-central Chile. The Extractive Industries and Society, 6(1), 215-222. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exis.2018.07.009