Budde, Jürgen; Rißler, Georg; Schatzki, Theodore R. (2023): Inclusion, Exclusion, and the Spaces of Practices. In: Georg Rißler, Tobias Buchner und Andreas Köpfer (Hg.): Space Studies in Inclusive Education – Interdisciplinary Relations. London: Routledge, S. 71–90. (Open Access)
Theories of practices have made inroads into education science research, including into work on inclusion and exclusion in teaching and learning. At the same time, education research that draws on practice theories neglects theories and concepts of space and place, specifically, the spatial and placial forms and determinants of inclusion and exclusion in education. The purpose of this chapter is to show that attending to the spatial and placial features of bundles of practices and material arrangements can advance educational research on inclusion and exclusion. To support this thesis, the discussion first circumscribes theories of practices in general and describes their presence in educational research. It then explores three prominent treatments of space and place in the practice theoretical literature. The longer final section gives examples of spatial and placial dimensions and determinants of inclusion and exclusion in educational contexts, as conceptualized through one of the coauthor’s account of practices.