Exam Information for the Current Program of Study (PO 2020)

Information for the current semester (for example, BA-2 Oral Exam dates, project work options) will be published below. Further information will be discussed in the individual courses.

Your first contact for exam information is always the relevant course lecturer.

[Translate to 2-English:]

The module exam consists of a 120-minute exam:

  • 40% Literature
  • 40% Linguistics
  • 20% Grammar

More information will be provided in the individual courses.

The module exam Oral Competence consists of a 25-minute oral exam based on two self-study English-language short stories.

Further information, including date of the Information Session and exam schedules, will be published here when available.

This exam consists of a 90-minute written essay exam.

In addition to a school internship, a portfolio must be created in one of the two subject seminars (subject A or subject B); in the other seminar, another written examination must be taken instead of a portfolio.

The portfolio, which is assessed by the lecturer of the relative seminar, must be submitted to the lecturer no later than four weeks after the end of the internship.

A term paper (comprising 10 printed pages or approx. 4,500 words) may be written in either the literature or linguistics proseminar.

The module exam consists of a 60-minute final exam in Cultural Studies.

The Project Work paper (10-12 printed pages or 4,500-5,500 words) and the associated feedback also serve to initiate a well-founded choice for a meaningful bachelor thesis.

Projektarbeit 2023

The module examination takes place as part of the Linguistics seminar (TM1) as a 90-minute final exam.

The module examination takes place as part of the Literature seminar (TM1) as a 90-minute final exam.

The module exam is a 90-minute final exam.

The bachelor thesis in English must be written in English. The thesis must be between 30 and 40 printed pages (or 13,000 to 18,000 words) and may be written in the field of literature or linguistics.

Processing period: 4 months.