ANGUS II – Auswirkungen der Nutzung des geologischen Untergrundes als thermischer, elektrischer oder stofflicher Speicher–Integration unterirdischer Speichertechnologien in die Energiesystemtransformation am Beispiel des Modellgebietes Schleswig-Holstein
The ANGUS II project examines the effects of possible energy storage underground. For this purpose, different models are coupled in order to enable an integrated view. The EUF depicts possible future development paths with the help of scenarios.
- Keywords
- Energy storage, modeling, background usage, Schleswig-Holstein, energy scenarios
- Duration
- 01/01/2017 - 12/31/2020
- University institutions
- Centre for Sustainable Energy Systems (ZNES), Department for Sustainable Energy Transition
Key facts
Energy storage systems will be indispensable in a future energy supply that is strongly geared towards renewable energies to compensate generator fluctuations and seasonal fluctuations. Geotechnical energy storage systems to store hydrogen, synthetic methane or compressed air and heat offer both large storage capacities and storage times ranging from hours to months or years. For the integration of geotechnical energy storage systems in the energy supply networks with different expansion paths of the energy networks and RE generation as well as for the determination of economic operating scenarios, a set of models is developed by coupling existing models for the simulation of the energy networks, individual energy systems and the geotechnical storage systems and applied using realistic scenarios as an example. For the geotechnical storage facilities dimensioned in this way, the effects induced in the subsurface are determined in terms of time and space using process-based simulation models and possible effects on protected assets and the interaction with other geotechnical storage facilities or underground uses are considered. The developed instruments are to be validated on the basis of mesoscale pilot plant and field tests. The results will be used to further develop a methodology for underground spatial planning.
Work packages of the European University of Flensburg
- Development of network models to simulate the electricity and energy networks in the expansion of renewable energies
- Development of interfaces between network model, geological model and power plant component model for the integrated system analysis of geological storage facilities, power plants, surface systems and power grids
- Scenario analysis of the grid expansion paths with RE shares up to 100% for Schleswig-Holstein, Germany and in the European context
- Integration of geological storage in the network infrastructure and determination of time-dependent high-frequency load profiles
- Determination of a network and renewables expansion path in the case of heavy use of geological storage facilities as well as integration of high-temperature heat storage facilities, compressed air storage facilities and small thermal energy systems with specific storage usage concepts in the energy networks
- Deriving usage scenarios for the subsurface
Prof. Dr.Olav Hohmeyer
- Building
- Gebäude Vilnius 1
- Room
- VIL 106
- Street
- Mitscherlich-Nielsen-Straße 4a
- Post code / City
- 24943 Flensburg
Project members
Project coordinators

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel