Priority Course Enrollment
In order for the assignment algorithm to recognize you as a student with special needs and assign priority to your course selection during the enrollment process, you must submit an "Antrag auf Anerkennung besonderer Bedürfnisse in Bezug auf die Kurswahl" (Application for Special Needs Recognition During Course Selection) to your representative in the Equal Opportunity Area (Diversity Officer or Family Services representive) in good time.
You will find the form under drop-down menu that fits with your situation (below).
The exact times and deadlines for course selection can be found on our Dates and Deadlines page and on Priority controlled booking procedure page.
Your application will be reviewed and given priority processing in Studiport by Equal Opportunity Area. You select the courses yourself.
- Parents / Step-parents / Foster parents of children up to age 14 → Birth certificate of the child → Form
- Person living with a child in need of care → 1. Your own registration certificate and that of the child; 2. Proof from the person with parental authority of the applicant's share of caregiving → Form
- Student with disability → Verification of disabled person´s pass, plus a short explanation as to why an early course registration balances our otherwise existing disadvantage stemming from the present handicap → Form
- Student with chronic disease → valid (<12 weeks) specialized medical certificate, confirming the need for early course registration to prevent any disadvantages → Form
- Relative serving as a caregiver and who is entitled to care allowance (Pflegegeld) → Care allowance notification → Form
- If the family member in need of care is being cared for by a family member → Proof from the person entitled to care allowance regarding how much (what proportion) the student co-caregiver is giving within the total care effort → Form
Early Internship Election
An early internship election is possible once the acknowledgement of certain circumstances was approved. The requested form can be found here and here or directly on the page of "Zentrum für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung (ZfL)" under the rubric "Schulpraktika".
Jorma Heier
- Phone
- +49 461 805 2767
- Building
- Gebäude Dublin
- Room
- DUB 009d
- Street
- Campusallee 3
- Post code / City
- 24943 Flensburg

Jolyn Muijsers
- Phone
- +49 461 805 2825
- Building
- Gebäude Dublin
- Room
- DUB 009c
- Street
- Campusallee 3
- Post code / City
- 24943 Flensburg

Anja Hansen
- Phone
- +49 461 805 2777
- Building
- Gebäude Dublin
- Room
- DUB 009b
- Street
- Campusallee 3
- Post code / City
- 24943 Flensburg