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ICES Lectures
Book presentation/ discussion - Anders Engberg-Pedersen
Lecturer Reihe on the benefits and dangers of AI
Book launch
ICES Lecture by Majda SEGHIR “Immigration and skill shortage in Western European countries”
Book Launch Europasoziologie
ICES Lecture Series - Russia’s war, Ukraine’s resistance
ICES Lecture: Thomas Wegener Friis
ICES Keynote Lecture: Elin Haf Grufydd Jones
Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Dr. Vello Pettai
Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Dr. Maurizio Bach
ICES Lecture "Constitutionalism as a societal structure: An evolutionary approach to Brexit"
ICES Lecture "Brexit and its consequences for Europe?"
ICES Lecture "Soziologie Globaler Ungleichheiten"
ICES Lecture: EU-Externalization of migration policies through non-state actors?
ICES Lecture: Maria Gregorio
ICES Lecture: CODES - Communication, cultural diversity and solidarity
ICES Lectures: Europa und seine Krise (C. Schmidt-Wellenburg)
Antrittsvorlesung Christof Roos: Das Paradox der EU-Freizügigkeit
Panel Discussion: End of Schengen or new normal?
Lecture JK Allen
Lecture Simone Varriale
Book launch
Book presentation/ discussion - Anders Engberg-Pedersen
Lecturer Reihe on the benefits and dangers of AI
Book launch
ICES Lecture by Majda SEGHIR “Immigration and skill shortage in Western European countries”
Book Launch Europasoziologie
ICES Lecture Series - Russia’s war, Ukraine’s resistance
ICES Lecture: Thomas Wegener Friis
ICES Keynote Lecture: Elin Haf Grufydd Jones
Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Dr. Vello Pettai
Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Dr. Maurizio Bach
ICES Lecture "Constitutionalism as a societal structure: An evolutionary approach to Brexit"
ICES Lecture "Brexit and its consequences for Europe?"
ICES Lecture "Soziologie Globaler Ungleichheiten"
ICES Lecture: EU-Externalization of migration policies through non-state actors?
ICES Lecture: Maria Gregorio
ICES Lecture: CODES - Communication, cultural diversity and solidarity
ICES Lectures: Europa und seine Krise (C. Schmidt-Wellenburg)
Antrittsvorlesung Christof Roos: Das Paradox der EU-Freizügigkeit
Panel Discussion: End of Schengen or new normal?
Lecture JK Allen
Lecture Simone Varriale
Book launch: A badge of injury
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