University Events Calendar

14th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas


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The Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas is an annual conference focused on heritage language research, broadly understood. WILA began in 2010 as a conference on "Investigating Immigrant Languages in America" at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Since then, host universities have alternated between the United States and Europe. Research on migrant and heritage languages in the Americas includes work on bilingual grammars, social correlates of language, factors that drive language transmission and loss, and historical and political factors. Since its inception, WILA has stressed that range and worked to increase cross-linguistic comparisons of all sorts, including different languages / dialects, different contact settings and different historical periods up to the present. The theme of WILA14 is methods in immigrant and heritage language research. We welcome papers on all of these topics mentioned above, with a particular emphasis given to the methodological approaches taken in each research project, how our methods shape research outcomes, and the challenges and opportunities that arise from working with this type of data and these groups of speakers/writers. 


Norderstraße 76
ZIP code and city
24939 Flensburg


Karoline Kühl