University Events Calendar

Language Policy Consequences of the Spanish Civil War and Francoism (lecture in German)

HEL 162

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Georg Kremnitz of the University of Vienna will give today's lecture (in German) at the KURS Colloquium on the topic of Sprachenpolitische Folgen des Spanischen Bürgerkriegs und des Franquismus [Language Policy Consequences of the Spanish Civil War and Francoism]. 

PLEASE NOTE: The lecture is part of the seminar 'La Guerra Civil y el franquismo: consecuencias sociolingüísticas para las lenguas de España' by Prof. Dr. Eva Gugenberger and therefore the time differs from the normal KURS Colloquium.

The KURS Colloquium is a lecture series of the EUF Center for Small and Regional Languages.

Course colloquium flyer (pdf, not barrier-free) 

Further information


HEL 162
Europa-Universität Flensburg
Gebäude Helsinki
Auf dem Campus 1a
ZIP code and city
24943 Flensburg
Campus Map


Zentrum für kleine und regionale Sprachen (KURS)