Degree Program Options in Flensburg
Applied Computer Science or Transcultural European Studies?
On the Flensburg campus, one can aspire to many careers: Flensburg University of Applied Sciences and Europa-Universität Flensburg jointly offer 17 bachelor's degree programs – from A for Applied Computer Science to T for Transcultural European Studies.
Teacher? Captain? Media professional? Or perhaps some other career that will make our world a better place?
Target audience: school students
The Degree Program Infoday is primarily aimed at school students, as it features presentations of undergraduate degree programs. Faculty members from all of the university's Flensburg bachelor (B.A.) degree programs and teacher training subjects, as well as all bachelor's degree programs at the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences, will give short presentations on campus in the Helsinki Building, and some technical degree programs will also have booths.
Extended presentation for aspiring teachers
For those interested in the B.A. in the Education Sciences and the Flensburg paths to teacher training, we recommend that you attend the more detailed presentation offered by the Student Guidance and Counseling Service.
Important: Ask questions
Questions about application and admission will also be answered, including for example: What documents do you need to include in your application? What is a restricted admission? Where for does enrollment take place? And for those who are still unsure about if and what degree might be the right choice for them can attend the student orientation events. Potential funding options for studies will also be addressed.
After all, Tuesday's Infoday also offers you the chance to ask questions. On Tuesday, you'll find information stands from the Student Advising and Counseling Service, Refugee Advising, the International Center, and Student Services, as well as campus tours.