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The project will examine the role of digital social & news media in creating political value polarization among citizens & in promoting the rise of populism in Europe. It includes a comparative survey in 6 countries & qualitative analysis of debates conducted through social media. The overall aim of our research is to explain the growing tendency in and across Europe to contest the core values that anchor the European project, and clarify how this new trend relates to digital media usage. At a broader level, ValCon addresses the challenges posed by a deep crisis of liberal democracy in Europe and the world. This crisis, we assume, is a manifestation of increasing conflicts over liberal values, which—we further argue—social media both drives and amplifies.ValCon asks the following core question: To what extent can value conflicts, as expressed in polarized opinions and extremist political views among the public, be attributed to patterns of social media communication? To answer this question, we analyse the dynamics of online value conflicts and how they affect the legitimacy of political order. Is the EU as a community of value drifting apart?

09/01/2020 - 08/31/2023
Monika Eigmüller
Open project

The project will explore the importance of social media platforms for public debates on gender equality policies. By looking at various platforms, different gender equality issues and across different countries, the main goal is to map the research field, identify current gaps and challenges in conducting such empirical research. The study shall help to understand which individual and collective actors - in the area of gender equality policies - are actually present on social media platforms and to what extent do they use these platforms for self-representation, mobilizing, connecting with like-minded actors or sharing information.

03/01/2023 - 07/31/2023
Stefan Wallaschek
Open project

openENTRANCE (open ENergy TRansition ANalyses for a low-Carbon Economy) zielt darauf ab, eine offene, transparente und integrierte Modellierungsplattform für die Bewertung kohlenstoffarmer Übergangspfade in Europa zu entwickeln, zu nutzen und zu verbreiten.
Die openENTRANCE-Modellierungsplattform wird die Auswirkungen und wirtschaftlichen Kosten der verschiedenen Energiepfade, die Europa zur Erreichung seiner Klimaziele einschlagen könnte, beleuchten. Mit dieser wissenschaftlichen Grundlage will openENTRANCE den gesellschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen und politischen Akteuren helfen, bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen.

05/01/2019 - 04/01/2023
Pao-Yu Oei, Konstantin Löffler
Open project

Das Forschungsvorhaben eGo^n baut auf das Projekt open_eGo auf und beschäftigt sich mit der Weiterentwicklung des transparenten, netzebenenübergreifenden Stromsystem-Planungsinstruments zur Ermittlung volkswirtschaftlich günstiger Netzausbau-Szenarien unter Berücksichtigung alternativer Flexibilitätsoptionen.

12/01/2019 - 03/31/2023
Olav Hohmeyer
Open project

Within the scope of this project, the potential of hydrogen as a relevant energy carrier of a German and European energy system transition, as well as its generation potential in connection with offshore wind energy in the North Sea region (with special attention to Schleswig-Holstein) are examined.

10/01/2022 - 03/31/2023
Jonathan Hanto
Open project

Das Projekt besteht aus einem wissenschaftlich und moderativ begleiteten Dialogprozess zur Entwicklung einer kommunal-übergreifend getragenen, nachhaltigen Zukunftsvision für den Mobilitätssektor als Beitrag für ein klimaneutrales Sylt 2045 unter Berücksichtigung der ökonomischen Randbedingungen einer tourismusgeprägten Wirtschaft.

11/01/2021 - 12/31/2022
Pao-Yu Oei, Catharina Rieve
Open project

Das Ziel dieses Projektes ist die Erforschung von Bedingungen und Kriterien für eine nachhaltige Produktion von Wasserstoff in Schleswig-Holstein und Marokko als mögliches Wasserstoffimportland.

03/01/2022 - 08/31/2022
Marina Blohm
Open project

Pascal Delhom (EUF, Philosophy Department) together with Annabel Herzog (University of Haifa) organise the DFG funded international scientific event on the topic: "Levinas and the Real: Politics, Community, Religion". The conference will bring together Levinas scholars working and writing in different linguistic spheres and academic disciplines and promote new interpretations of Emmanuel Levinas’s philosophy, which insist on its relevance in social-political empirical situations.

07/06/2021 - 07/06/2022
Pascal Delhom
Open project

Employing environmental humanities, environmental and social psychology and quantitative and rhetorical research in communication studies to conceptualize and measure the impacts of satire and humor on environmental behavior through a wholistic approach, this research clarifies how satire and humor can influence pro-environmental behavior through theoretical reflections, designs a valid instrument to measure this impact and discovers effective ways of communicating scientific findings to the public and policymakers to advocate pro-environmental behavior. While avoiding the pitfalls of naïve environmentalism, it attempts to explore new ways to confront, address, and respond to key environmental challenges.

02/07/2020 - 03/31/2022
Massih Zekavat, Tabea Scheel
Open project

sEEnergies ENGLISH

Quantification of synergies between Energy Efficiency first principle and renewable energy systems

The sEEnergies project aims to quantify and operationalise the potentials for energy efficiency (EE) in buildings, transport and industry, combining this bottom-up knowledge with temporal and spatial analyses to develop an innovative, holistic and research-based EE-modelling approach.

09/01/2019 - 02/28/2022
Bernd Möller
Open project