Participation in the conference “Those who leave and those who stay: the consequences of emigration”, January 27-28, 2022 (online)
On 28th of January, 2022 Prof. Dr. Christof Roos, Dr. Martin Seeliger and Dr. Max Nagel participated in the online conference "Those who leave and those who stay: the consequences of emigration for sending countries", organised by the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities of the University of Cambridge (CRASSH). The project members presented their paper on the topic "Markets and Movements. Freedom of Movement in the common market and effects on sending countries: win-win or dependency?". In the paper they challenge the assumption of neoclassical economic theory that freedom of movement of persons within the EU will lead to a "win-win situation" for all countries and their domestic markets involved. Instead, borrowing from dependency theory, they argue that massive emigration from some EU member states, especially in the South and the East, aggravates their status as peripheral countries and their dependency on the core EU member states. Concluding they offer some potential remedies for this rather pessimistic outlook, such as unionisation, more coherent investment of EU funds and promotion of research and innovation.