Field trip to Romania
Our project team member Hanna Kieschnick has recently arrived back from her field trip to Bucharest, Romania.
Between April and June 2022 she has interviewed 32 representatives of parties, government institutions, trade unions and business associations, NGOs, as well as local and regional associations on their positions towards emigration from Romania, the Freedom of Movement regime of the EU and the perceived economic, social and political effects of these developments. She has also consulted newspaper archives to see how the perception of emigration and related issues has evolved over time. Hanna has obtained some very interesting insights and ideas, and is now looking forward to evaluate and analyse the data!
Besides the scientific data collection, Hanna found the emigration statistics confirmed in her personal interactions - almost everybody has been abroad, wants to go or has family and friends who work in other EU member states, which shows that emigration is a very big part of Romania´s social life.
Hanna is looking forward to return to Romania at some point to learn more about the puzzles identified, and to be able to explore more of the country´s beautiful scenery!