
Level Course

Lecture number
Autumn semester 2023
Language Course
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
Tue. 16:00 - 20:00 Weekly 19.09.2023 - 16.01.2024 Oslo Building - OSL 240



Language of instruction: German

The language course Spanish A1 is suitable for learners with no previous knowledge. The aim is to impart the first basic knowledge of the Spanish language.

Based on everyday conversation topics and situations (greetings and introductions, nationality and language, addresses and numbers, etc.), basic knowledge of Spanish grammar and vocabulary will be taught.

The main topics covered in the vocabulary are: the Spanish alphabet, character traits and hobbies, tourism and holidays, means of transport and the seasons, colours, clothes and objects.

Grammar focuses on: numbers, the forms of the subject pronoun, the definite article, the demonstrative pronoun, the noun, genus and numerus, the possessive pronoun, describing holiday habits, present indicative, the direct and indirect object pronoun.

The course takes place with 4 SWS during the semester and is designed in such a way that the participants complete level A1 according to the European Framework of Reference in one semester.

Regular and active participation is a prerequisite for successful completion of the course. Homework is also required in order to practise and consolidate what has been learned.

The course consists of 60 attendance hours. Attendance is compulsory. If you want to have a certificate of achievement, you may not be absent for more than 12 lessons (20%). The final grade is made up of 30% class participation and 70% final exam.


Please acquire the following text book before the start of the course:

Gente hoy 1. Level A1+A2. (Libro del alumno)
ISBN: 978-3-12-515710-1


Registration not yet possible.
Lecture number
Autumn semester 2023
Language Course
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
Wed. 14:00 - 18:00 Weekly 20.09.2023 - 17.01.2024 Helsinki Building - HEL 161



Language of instruction: German

The language course Spanish A1 is suitable for learners with no previous knowledge. The aim is to impart the first basic knowledge of the Spanish language.

Based on everyday conversation topics and situations (greetings and introductions, nationality and language, addresses and numbers, etc.), basic knowledge of Spanish grammar and vocabulary will be taught.

The main topics covered in the vocabulary are: the Spanish alphabet, character traits and hobbies, tourism and holidays, means of transport and the seasons, colours, clothes and objects.

Grammar focuses on: numbers, the forms of the subject pronoun, the definite article, the demonstrative pronoun, the noun, genus and numerus, the possessive pronoun, describing holiday habits, present indicative, the direct and indirect object pronoun.

The course takes place with 4 SWS during the semester and is designed in such a way that the participants complete level A1 according to the European Framework of Reference in one semester.

Regular and active participation is a prerequisite for successful completion of the course. Homework is also required in order to practise and consolidate what has been learned.

The course consists of 60 attendance hours. Attendance is compulsory. If you want to have a certificate of achievement, you may not be absent for more than 12 lessons (20%). The final grade is made up of 30% class participation and 70% final exam.


Please acquire the following text book before the start of the course:

Gente hoy 1. Level A1+A2. (Libro del alumno)
ISBN: 978-3-12-515710-1


Registration not yet possible.
Lecture number
Autumn semester 2023
Language Course
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
Thu. 16:00 - 20:00 Weekly 21.09.2023 - 18.01.2024 Oslo Building - OSL 244



Language of instruction: German and Spanish

The Spanish course A2 is suitable for learners with beginner level. The course builds on the A1 course.

Using everyday conversation topics and situations, advanced beginner level Spanish grammar and vocabulary will be developed. The main topics covered in the course are: learning, health, food, professions: Learning, health, food, professions, the diary, city, historical data, home and travel.

In grammar, the following is covered, among others: The present indicative of regular verbs, irregular verbs, the reflexive verbs, frequency ("siempre, todos los días, muchas veces"), adverbs of quantity, the adjectives, genus of nouns, the impersonal forms with "se", the perfect tense (formation and use), irregular participles, evaluation, the time and dates, indications with reference to the future, question words. The course then focuses on understanding a radio report, giving a mini-presentation, writing and correcting a story, describing a picture, talking about proverbs etc.

The course takes place with 4 SWS during the lecture period and is designed so that the participants complete level A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

Regular and active participation is a prerequisite for successful completion of the course. This also requires the completion of homework in order to further practise and consolidate what has been learned.

The course consists of 60 attendance hours. Attendance is compulsory. If you want to have a certificate of achievement, you may not be absent for more than 12 lessons (20%). The final grade is made up of 30% class participation and 70% final exam.


Please acquire the following text book before the start of the course:

Gente hoy 1. Level A1+A2. (Libro del alumno)
ISBN: 978-3-12-515710-1


Registration not yet possible.
Lecture number
Autumn semester 2023
Language Course
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
Thu. 14:00 - 18:00 Weekly 21.09.2023 - 18.01.2024 Helsinki Building - HEL 066



Language of instruction: German and Spanish

The Spanish course A2 is suitable for learners with beginner level. The course builds on the A1 course.

Using everyday conversation topics and situations, advanced beginner level Spanish grammar and vocabulary will be developed. The main topics covered in the course are: learning, health, food, professions: Learning, health, food, professions, the diary, city, historical data, home and travel.

In grammar, the following is covered, among others: The present indicative of regular verbs, irregular verbs, the reflexive verbs, frequency ("siempre, todos los días, muchas veces"), adverbs of quantity, the adjectives, genus of nouns, the impersonal forms with "se", the perfect tense (formation and use), irregular participles, evaluation, the time and dates, indications with reference to the future, question words. The course then focuses on understanding a radio report, giving a mini-presentation, writing and correcting a story, describing a picture, talking about proverbs etc.

The course takes place with 4 SWS during the lecture period and is designed so that the participants complete level A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

Regular and active participation is a prerequisite for successful completion of the course. This also requires the completion of homework in order to further practise and consolidate what has been learned.

The course consists of 60 attendance hours. Attendance is compulsory. If you want to have a certificate of achievement, you may not be absent for more than 12 lessons (20%). The final grade is made up of 30% class participation and 70% final exam.


Please acquire the following text book before the start of the course:

Gente hoy 1. Level A1+A2. (Libro del alumno)
ISBN: 978-3-12-515710-1


Registration not yet possible.
Lecture number
Autumn semester 2023
Language Course
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
Tue. 14:00 - 16:00 Weekly 19.09.2023 - 16.01.2024 varies
Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 Weekly 21.09.2023 - 18.01.2024 Madrid Building - MAD 024



Descripción del curso:

Este curso se dirige a estudiantes o miembros de la universidad que ya hayan cumplido previamente un nivel A2. Orientándose en temas comunes y situaciones de charlas cotidianas (por ejemplo, en el trabajo, en la universidad, discusiones con amigos, u otras), este curso tiene el alcance de conocimientos del B1 como objetivo principal. Al elaborar las diferentes áreas del vocabulario, se tocarán varios temas de las unidades 11-18 del libro correspondiente (véase abajo).

Enfoque gramatical del B1

    1. El uso del condicional simple y del presente de subjuntivo
    2. Especular sobre diferentes constelaciones a futuro o expresar deseos y pedidos
    3. Diferentes usos del pasado de indicativo (especialmente, indefinido, imperfecto y pluscuamperfecto)
    4. Usos complejos de objetos (in)directos y preposicionales
    5. Emplear perífrasis para un estilo creativo y variable
    6. Expresar gustos, sentimientos, preferencias, valores y dar opiniones para contrastarlas
    7. Comparar elementos y evaluarlos
    8. Formas impersonales e involuntarias y describir procesos con el pasivo
    9. Oraciones interrogativas e indirectas
    10. Ampliar el vocabulario en ámbitos de la cultura, sociedad, educación y economía

Descripción del curso:

Este curso se dirige a estudiantes o miembros de la universidad que ya hayan cumplido previamente un nivel A2. Orientándose en temas comunes y situaciones de charlas cotidianas (por ejemplo, en el trabajo, en la universidad, discusiones con amigos, u otras), este curso tiene el alcance de conocimientos del B1 como objetivo principal. Al elaborar las diferentes áreas del vocabulario, se tocarán varios temas de las unidades 11-18 del libro correspondiente (véase abajo).

Enfoque gramatical del B1

    1. El uso del condicional simple y del presente de subjuntivo
    2. Especular sobre diferentes constelaciones a futuro o expresar deseos y pedidos
    3. Diferentes usos del pasado de indicativo (especialmente, indefinido, imperfecto y pluscuamperfecto)
    4. Usos complejos de objetos (in)directos y preposicionales
    5. Emplear perífrasis para un estilo creativo y variable
    6. Expresar gustos, sentimientos, preferencias, valores y dar opiniones para contrastarlas
    7. Comparar elementos y evaluarlos
    8. Formas impersonales e involuntarias y describir procesos con el pasivo
    9. Oraciones interrogativas e indirectas
    10. Ampliar el vocabulario en ámbitos de la cultura, sociedad, educación y economía

Regular and active participation is a prerequisite for successful completion of the course. This also requires the completion of homework to further practise and consolidate what has been learned.

The course consists of 60 attendance hours. Attendance is compulsory. If you want to have a certificate of achievement, you may not be absent for more than 12 lessons (20%). The final grade is made up of 30% class participation and 70% final exam.


Please acquire the following course book before the course starts:
Gente hoy 2. Level B1. (libro del alumno)
ISBN: 978-3-12-515715-6


Registration not yet possible.

Supplementary Courses

Lecture number
Autumn semester 2023
Language course
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
Sat. 12:00 - 16:00 every other week 23.09.2023 - 16.12.2023 Trondheim 2 - TRO 203



¿Quieres explorar el español mediante otra perspectiva? Entonces te decidirás por el curso correcto. En "Español Lúdico" a partir del nivel C1 se busca la expansión del entendimiento de este idioma maravilloso con un enfoque lúdico, es decir, con juegos como Pasapalabra, tareas fuera de lo común, música, conversación y textos. Todas esas herramientas lúdicas nos servirán para enriquecer el léxico y la comprensión cultural del mundo hispanohablante mediante múltiples puntos de vista.

Toma nota de estos sábados en los cuales nos querremos juntar: el 23 de septiembre, los días 14 y 21 de octubre, los días 4 y 18 de noviembre y finalmente los días 2 y 16 de diciembre. Aunque ocurriere los sábados a partir de las 12 del mediodía, no te arrepentirás de invertir cuatro horas para extender tu horizonte del español. ¡Forma parte y acompáñanos!


Registration not yet possible.
Lecture number
Autumn semester 2023
Language Course
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
'Thu. 16:00 - 18:00 Weekly 21.09.2023 - 18.01.2024 Helsinki Building - HEL 067



En este curso creamos una jornada íntegra a lo largo de un semestre: desde el punto de partida en Alemania hasta la solución de un desafío (elegido) a los que te quieres enfrentar sol@ o en un equipo en el Mundo Hispanohablante. ¿Te preocupa la educación infantil en aldeas andinas? ¿Quieres construir un centro de salud en Costa Rica? ¿Te importa fomentar una agricultura sustentable en Chile?

La idea es crear un proyecto de emprendimiento (social) para abordar problemas locales del Mundo Hispanohablante. A través de un viaje virtual, entregas de conocimientos y herramientas necesarios y sesiones de intercambio, queremos elaborar un proyecto emprendedor hasta el final del semestre. Todas las carreras están bienvenidas.

¿Y lo mejor de todo? Adquirirás nuevos conceptos (lingüísticos, teóricos y emprendedores) y practicarás automáticamente español con un enfoque amplio y pragmático. ¿Nos acompañas? ¡Aborda la nave y partamos!

Conocimiento previo: A partir del nivel B2 (B2, C1, C2)

Duración: 2 SWS


Course materials will be provided by the lecturer.


Registration not yet possible.
Lecture number
Autumn semester 2023
Language Course
Registration deadline
Maximum number of participants


Day Time Frequency Duration Room
Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 Weekly 21.09.2023 - 18.01.2024 Oslo Building - OSL 232



Uso de recursos lingüisticos, gramática y expresiones comunes en entornos academicos, cotidianos, sociales y laborales. Entrenamiento del intercambio de ideas y opiniones sobre temas de interes común: política, negocios, cultura, sociedad y economia.


Course materials will be provided by the lecturer.


Registration not yet possible.

Short Courses

Placement Test

placement test is required for enrollment at level A1.2 and above if you have not yet taken and successfully completed any courses with us.