ICES provides its members 5 MaxQDA Analytics Proand 5 DeepL Pro Starter licenses for a limited period of time.

MaxQDA Analytics Pro facilitates comprehensive qualitative data analysis of diverse data sets. It offers tools for advanced coding, retrieval, transcription and visualization and includes a Stats module to statistically analyze your qualitative data or import and connect your data with data sets in the Excel or SPSS format.

DeepL Pro Starter licenses allow for unlimited text translation, higher data security, five document translations per user/month (editable) and one glossary with 5,000 entries.

Please send an Email to Maria Schwab with a short description of what you need the license for and the required duration. Licenses are granted on a first come, first served basis.

ICES Field Research and Qualification Grants Call (Nov. 22)

The Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies (ICES) welcomes proposals from Postdocs and doctoral students working in the field of European Studies. We provide grants for Early Stage Researchers at EUF as well as associated ICES members who plan to conduct field research or archive/library stays. Like last semester, the "Field Research Call" will be combined with a funding opportunity to participate in European Studies-specific training courses (online or face-to-face).

We can fund stays for research or qualification purposes of generally up to 1.000 euros each. They should take place in autumn semester 2022/23 or spring semester 2023.

Please provide an application (max. 1 page), including a short description of your research project respectively the training program you plan to attend, the necessity for and details about your intended stay, preliminary timeframe, and a budget plan. Applications can be submitted in German or English. We give priority to ICES Research School members when awarding the grants.

We look forward to receiving your proposal. Please send it to no later than 07.12.2022.

ICES Field Research and Qualification Grants Call (Nov. 22)

The Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies (ICES) welcomes proposals from Postdocs and doctoral students working in the field of European Studies. We provide grants for Early Stage Researchers at EUF as well as associated ICES members who plan to conduct field research or archive/library stays. Like last semester, the "Field Research Call" will be combined with a funding opportunity to participate in European Studies-specific training courses (online or face-to-face).

We can fund stays for research or qualification purposes of generally up to 1.000 euros each. They should take place in autumn semester 2022/23 or spring semester 2023.

Please provide an application (max. 1 page), including a short description of your research project respectively the training program you plan to attend, the necessity for and details about your intended stay, preliminary timeframe, and a budget plan. Applications can be submitted in German or English. We give priority to ICES Research School members when awarding the grants.

We look forward to receiving your proposal. Please send it to no later than 07.12.2022.

ICES Calls for Proposals

The Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies (ICES) regularly publishes two calls to support European Studies research at the Europa-Universität Flensburg. In addition to these calls, there are thematic calls from time to time. Funding needs not covered by these calls can also be considered upon individual consultation.

1. ICES Open Call for Proposals to Strengthen European Studies at EUF

To strengthen European Studies at EUF, ICES supports the following measures within this call:

  • Preparation of a Third-Party Funding Application: Support for applications for interdisciplinary research projects.
  • International Conferences: Support for organizing and financing international conferences.
  • Research Infrastructure: Funding for measures that are relevant and accessible to multiple members.
  • (Researchers in Residence) Fellowships: Invitations to renowned colleagues to foster interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • Open Access Fees: Coverage of publication costs up to €3,000 per publication.

Submissions are possible twice a year, in March and September. Details on the requirements and application process can be found in the latest calls.

2. Call for Proposals: ICES Field Research and Qualification Grants

ICES provides grants for postdocs and doctoral students planning field research or archive/library stays, as well as for participation in specialized training courses. Funding up to €1,200 is available. Applications can be submitted in German or English.

The call is published annually in May and November. Further information can be found in the call texts from previous years.

ICES Field Research and Qualification Grants Call (Nov. 22)

The Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies (ICES) welcomes proposals from Postdocs and doctoral students working in the field of European Studies. We provide grants for Early Stage Researchers at EUF as well as associated ICES members who plan to conduct field research or archive/library stays. Like last semester, the "Field Research Call" will be combined with a funding opportunity to participate in European Studies-specific training courses (online or face-to-face).

We can fund stays for research or qualification purposes of generally up to 1.000 euros each. They should take place in autumn semester 2022/23 or spring semester 2023.

Please provide an application (max. 1 page), including a short description of your research project respectively the training program you plan to attend, the necessity for and details about your intended stay, preliminary timeframe, and a budget plan. Applications can be submitted in German or English. We give priority to ICES Research School members when awarding the grants.

We look forward to receiving your proposal. Please send it to no later than 07.12.2022.

ICES welcomes proposals from ICES Members for initiatives that aim to foster European Studies at the EUF by expanding EUF’s research infrastructure, promoting early career researchers, or strengthening academic networking. This includes:

1)      Preparation of a third-party funding application

We support applications for an interdisciplinary collaborative research project in the field of European Studies. ICES helps you to identify suitable funding sources (if necessary), offers personalised advice throughout the funding application process and covers costs for activities that you feel are best suited to prepare a competitive research proposal (e.g. research assistant positions or professional coaching/training).

2)      International Conferences

We welcome proposals from EUF researchers and ICES members who are interested in organising an international conference at the EUF in the field of European Studies and intend to apply for DFG funding within their programme "International Scientific Events". ICES will support you in setting up the proposal and will finance the conference in case your proposal is not successful! With this initiative, we offer a possibility to request speakers (which is necessary when applying for third party funding) without the common reserve "in case it is funded".

3)      (Researchers in Residence) Fellowships

This opportunity is aimed at ICES members who wish to invite renowned colleagues in the field of European Studies to foster interdisciplinary collaboration, develop project ideas or forthcoming publications and support innovative research in European studies. Fellows are expected to participate in the interdisciplinary events at the centre and introduce their research at one of these occasions (ICES Colloquium, Lecture, Workshop or Atelier). The fellowship provides financial support to cover travel, accommodation for the visiting scholar.

4)      Open Access Fees

You can apply for funding to cover Open Access Fees up to €3000 per publication. Funding can be granted if 1) the research article is produced in the context of scientific activities at ICES; 2) the journal/publisher is internationally renowned and fulfills recognized quality assurance standards, 3) the article has already been submitted and you are "submitting author" or "corresponding author" responsible for paying the publication fees. Please refer to each of these points in your application. Publications by early career researchers in pure Open Access journals, dissertations and habilitations as well as publications by EUF members (no matter what career stage) in journals of the Wiley, Springer Nature or Elsevier publishing groups cannot be funded, as funds are available from other EUF sources (more information about EUF’s publication funding schemes here).

5)      Research infrastructure

This call is not meant to be restrictive with regard to the type of activity, initiative or affiliation. The proposed measures should, however, be relevant not only to individual members, but should be interesting and accessible to other members as well. Measures that can be funded through other EUF support schemes are not eligible for funding. We generally (co-) fund ideas with up to 3,000 euros. Exceptions can be made in well-justified cases.

For each of the above mentioned initiatives, please send a short description (max. 1-2 pages; English or German) of your idea, background and purpose, as well as an estimate of the costs to by July 1st. This deadline is not a cut-off date. Applications can still be submitted after that date, but funding is subject to the availability of remaining funds. This call is planned to be announced two times per year in March and September. We are looking forward to your proposals!

The Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies (ICES) welcomes proposals from Postdocs and doctoral students working in the field of European Studies. We provide grants for Early Stage Researchers at EUF as well as associated ICES members who plan to conduct field research or archive/library stays. This semester`s "Field Research Call" will be combined with a funding opportunity to participate in European Studies-specific training courses (online or face-to-face). 

We can fund stays for research or qualification purposes with a maximum sum of 1.000 euros each. They should take place in spring semester 2022 or autumn semester 2022/23.

Please provide an application (max. 1 page), including a short description of your research project respectively the training program you plan to attend, the necessity for and details about your intended stay, preliminary timeframe, and a budget plan. Applications can be submitted in German or English. We give priority to ICES Research School members when awarding the grants.

We look forward to receiving your proposal. Please send it to no later than 06.07.2022 (extended deadline).

The Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies (ICES) welcomes proposals from all EUF Postdocs and doctoral students as well as from non-EUF members of the ICES Research School working in the field of European Studies and planning to conduct field research or archive/library stays in 2022. By facilitating field research stays, ICES would like to support excellent early stage researchers at EUF.

ICES funds up to 5 research stays with a maximum of 1.200 Euro per stay. Higher funding is possible in justified exceptions. Please provide a short application (1 page), including a concise description of your research project, the necessity for and details about your intended field research, preliminary timeframe, and a budget plan.

Applications can be submitted in German or English. We look forward to receiving your proposal.

Please send it to no later than 05.12.2021. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mit besten Grüßen

Maria Schwab

Das Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies (ICES) unterstützt wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterInnen der EUF und ICES-Mitglieder bei der Beantragung eines interdisziplinären Verbundforschungsprojekts im Bereich der Europaforschung.

ICES hilft Ihnen bei der Identifizierung geeigneter Förderquellen, bietet persönliche Beratung während des gesamten Förderantragsverfahrens und übernimmt Kosten von bis zu 10.000 Euro für Aktivitäten zur Vorbereitung eines exzellenten Forschungsantrags. Wir finanzieren Maßnahmen wie z.B. Personenmonate für wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter oder ein professionelles Coaching/Training. Wir sind auch offen andere Aktivitäten zu fördern, die Ihrer Meinung nach am besten geeignet sind, einen wettbewerbsfähigen Forschungsantrag vorzubereiten.   

Schicken Sie bei Interesse bitte einen Antrag (1-2 Seiten) mit einer kurzen Beschreibung des Forschungsthemas, potentieller Kooperationspartner, geeigneter Finanzierungsquellen (falls bereits identifiziert), geplanter Aktivitäten zur Vorbereitung des Proposals sowie einer Kostenübersicht. Der Antrag kann in englischer oder deutscher Sprache gestellt werden.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Antrag. Bitte senden Sie ihn bis spätestens 16. Oktober 2020 an Oktober 2020 an

The Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies (ICES) welcomes proposals from all EUF Postdocs and doctoral students working in the field of European Studies and planning to conduct field research or archive/library stays. By facilitating field research stays, ICES would like to support excellent junior scientists from the EUF. 
ICES was able to provide funding for 4-5 field research stays up to 1000 Euro per stay. The research stay should take place in 2020 or 2021. 

The Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies (ICES) welcomes proposals from all EUF Postdocs and doctoral students working in the field of European Studies and planning to conduct field research or archive/library stays. By facilitating field research stays, ICES would like to support excellent junior scientists from the EUF. 
ICES is able to provide funding for 4-5 field research stays up to 1000 Euro per stay. The research stay should take place in 2019 or 2020.  
Please provide a brief request (1 page), including a short description of your doctoral research project, the necessity for and details about your intended field research, intended date, and a budget plan. It is possible to apply in English and German.

We look forward to receiving your proposal. Please send your applications to at the latest by 31.10.2019.  

Das Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies (ICES) unterstützt seine Mitglieder bei der Organisation und Finanzierung einer internationalen Konferenz im Bereich der Europaforschung an der EUF.

Mit diesem Aufruf möchten wir einen Anreiz setzen, sich um Drittmittel zur Finanzierung einer wissenschaftlichen Tagung zu bewerben. Potenzielle Fördermöglichkeiten sind z.B. die DFG oder die Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung.

ICES wird Sie nicht nur bei der Erstellung eines Antrags unterstützen, sondern finanziert die Konferenz, falls Ihr Antrag nicht erfolgreich sein sollte! ICES ist in der Lage, Kosten bis zu 8.000 Euro zu decken, so dass entweder eine große oder zwei kleine Konferenzen bzw. Workshops finanziert werden können.

Schicken Sie bei Interesse bitte einen Antrag (1 Seite) mit einer kurzen Beschreibung des Konferenzthemas, der Organisatoren, des geplanten Termins, der erwarteten Teilnehmerzahl sowie einem Budgetplan. Der Antrag kann in deutscher oder englischer Sprache gestellt werden. Als interdisziplinäres Forschungszentrum freuen wir uns insbesondere Vorschläge für Konferenzen, die gemeinsam von Wissenschaftlern aus verschiedenen EUF-Instituten organisiert werden.

[Translate to 2-English:]


The Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies, ICES, welcomes proposals from EUF scientific staff members who are interested in organising an international conference at the EUF in the field of European Studies.

With this call, we want to encourage you to apply for DFG funding within their programme "International Scientific Events". The DFG funds events such as international congresses, symposia, colloquia and workshops, international scientific conferences, annual meetings, and bilateral events. The grant can be used to pay for staff costs, room rental (including utilities), instrumentation and equipment, printed materials, office supplies, postage costs, travel allowance (travel and accommodation costs). The proposal has to be sent six months prior to the planned event. For more information see

When applying for conference funding you need to have a conference programme with a confirmed list of speakers already in the proposal stage. If your proposal is not successful, you have to decline the invitation extended to potential speakers. This fact often discourages from organising an international conference or workshop. The ICES call for proposals aims at offering a possibility to request speakers without the common reserve "in case it is funded".

ICES will support you in setting up a DFG proposal and will finance the conference in case your proposal is not successful! ICES is able to cover costs up to 10.000 Euro. This means that either one large or two small conferences / workshops will be funded.

Please provide a brief request (1 page), including a short description of the conference topic, organisers, intended date, and the expected number of participants, as well as a 1-page budget plan. The application can be sent in English or German. Being an interdisciplinary research centre, we encourage particularly proposals for conferences co-organised by academics from different EUF institutes.

We look forward to receiving your proposal. Please send them to latest by 01.03.2018.


The newly founded Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies (ICES) at Europa-Universität Flensburg is pleased to invite applications for its 2018 summer visiting fellowship. This is an opportunity for senior scholars working in the field of European Studies to develop and elaborate on project ideas or forthcoming publications.  Situated on the campus of Europa-Universität Flensburg in the beautiful seaside town of Flensburg, in close proximity to both Denmark and the Baltic Sea, ICES offers ideal conditions for academic scholarship and exchange in an inspiring environment.

The ICES Summer Visiting Fellowship is a three-month, on-site fellowship for the period of May-July, 2018. The residency is meant to give the visitor a chance to exchange ideas and research with other scholars working within the ICES research community and to immerse her- or himself in the vibrant interdisciplinary atmosphere of the centre. In addition to a fully equipped workplace and access to all university resources and services, the fellow will receive a grant to cover the costs of her or his travel to Flensburg, a 500-euro stipend for travel within Germany and Europe during the fellowship term, and free accommodation in Flensburg. The ICES fellow is expected to present on her or his research and to be present in Flensburg for a minimum of six out of twelve weeks.

ICES encourages senior scholars of European Studies from the humanities or the social sciences to apply for this year's summer fellowship. For the application, please send a detailed cover letter and CV together with your project and publication record to the director of ICES by 15th of March 2018:  Prof. Monika Eigmüller,