Wasatia/ICES Lecture Series

Religion and Reconciliation Seminars/ Third Lecture SERIES April-June 2023

Public and Online lectures with the Cooperation of ICES and the European Wasatia graduate school for Peace and Conflict Resolution:

On Wednesdays in RIGA 310.

Date   Lecturer      Theme               

16 - 18 Uhr

10 Uhr

Professor Udo Steinbach/ Maecenata Stiftung

Global and European Challenges of the Middle East Conflict.

Workshop: Introduction to the Middle East problem


16 - 18 Uhr

10 Uhr

Professor John Klassen/ University of the Western Cape, South Africa

Religion in Conflict Resolution after the End of Apartheid.

Workshop: Work in progress


16 - 18 Uhr

10 Uhr

Professor Bjorn Krondorfer/ Arizona University -USA

All That Is Left: Haunting and Toxic Memory Objects

Workshop: The intersection of academic research and public educational mandates.


16 - 18 Uhr

10 Uhr

Professor Christo Tesnaar/ Stellenbosch University

Conflicting loyalties in intergenerational trauma and the significance thereof for reconciliation.

Workshop: Work in progress


12 - 14 Uhr

15 - 16.30 Uhr

Dr. Tom Graff and Ellen G. Williams, JD / Cambridge University

Reconciling Redemption: Incarnation and Anti- Semitism in Dante’s Commedia.

Workshop: Restorative Justice and Mass Incarceration