Gender & Diversity Kalender

Intersectionality at work: Perspectives and possibilities for critical sexuality education for marginalised youth, Prof. Dr. Fida Sanjakdar (Monash University Sydney)

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Die Forschungsakademie Bildung des ZeBUSS und die Nachwuchsforschungsgruppen RP SKM und Gender 3.0 laden zum 3. Vortrag aus der Vortragsreihe  "Heterogenität und Gewaltschutz in Kinder- und Jugendarbeit und Schule" ein.

Prof. Dr. Fida Sanjakdar (Monash University Sydney) spricht zum Thema

 "Intersectionality at work: Perspectives and possibilities for critical sexuality education for marginalised youth"

 Donnerstag, 01.06.2023; 10:00 – 11:45 Uhr in RIG 514/zoom (hybrid).

Es besteht die Möglichkeit, den Vortrag gemeinsam in RIG 514 zu hören oder diesem via zoom zu folgen. Der Vortrag wird via zoom übertragen.

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Abstract: The theory of ‘intersectionalilty’ is increasingly applied in research to better understand the interconnections of specific markers of difference as well to demonstrate how structures of oppression and privilege operate within these markers. In this presentation, the theory of intersectionality, how it is was developed and how it is has gained significant scholarship attention in regards to its contribution to theoretical construction and praxis, will be discussed. Attention to how this theory is also being used by the author tointerrogate the constructed binary between Islam, Muslims, and Islamic schools and (seemingly neutral) sex education in the Australian context, will also be discussed.  

Short Author Bio

Prof. Dr. Fida Sanjakdar is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at Monash University. Her research expertise lies in the areas of critical sexuality education, critical pedagogies, the intersections between religion, culture and sexuality education, Islamic Education and Islamic schooling, teaching controversy and real-world ethics.