
In Review:

  • Samantha M. Litty & Jan Momme Penning. Semi-public writings in the Duchy of Schleswig in the 19th century. In Nils Langer & Samantha M. Litty (eds.), Historical interplays between language ideology, language policy, and language practices. Historical Sociolinguistics. Studies on Language and Society in the Past, Peter Lang. 8,000 words.
  • Samantha M Litty. Remember me when far far off: Multilingual Memory Albums in Wisconsin and the Duchy of Schleswig. In Rachyl Hietpas, Mirva Johnson, Laura Moquin, Charlotte Vanhecke, & Joe Salmons, (eds.), Selected Proceedings of the 13th Annual Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA 13). Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies. 4,000 words.


  • Samantha M. Litty, Jan Momme Penning, Andre Hermann & Ilka Thomsen. 2023. Mit spitzer Feder: Was das "Ranzelberger Gästebuch" erzählt. Nordfriesland 223. Bredstedt: Nordfriisk Instituut.