Submit "campus life" entry

It's great that you're here and are considering sharing about your studies or campus life!  These pages provide a space where you can write about experiences, share insights, or announce news and upcoming events. Just choose your format: text entry or event announcement.

Here's how it works:

Entries under this category could include, for example,

  • Field trip reports
  • New student projects on campus
  • Course takeaways
  • "Machmit" ("Join in!") calls, e.g. from university groups, student councils etc.
  • Tips on student life
  • Introductions by student representatives
  • ...etc.

It is not about:

  • University policy or political issues
  • Calls to participate in surveys (that's what the "info channels" are for)

Some ideas for announcements under this category:

  • Course contents are presented in Module1
  • Student council barbecue
  • Student sports groups
  • Gatherings
  • ...etc.

It is not about:

  • Higher education policy or political issues