University News

Vegetarian Cookbook: Was schwimmt denn hier im Beet?

EUF student conceives and designs family cookbook

 Vegetable fish swimming through the bed? As part of her bachelor's thesis, student Lara Wiegand conceived and designed the vegetarian family cookbook WAS SCHWIMMT DENN HIER IM BEET? The work was supervised by Prof. Dr. Friederike Rückert in the art course.

A vegetable fish "friendship book"

In a unique detail, the "family cookbook" is laid out like a German "Freundebuch" (friendship book), so that the readers can get to know all the vegetables that are used. Vegetables have been transformed into vegetable fish. This, of course, fits in with northern Germany. It also makes the vegetables very likeable, as they virtually swim through the book as vegetable fish and have different characteristics that can be learned in the friendship pages.

Seasonal recipes and crafting tips

All the dishes in the family cookbook have been assigned to the seasons, so that cooking seasonally makes sense (there is also a pop-out seasonal calendar in the book). In addition to simple and tasty recipes, the book also offers seasonally appropriate craft tips, such as how to dye Easter eggs with vegetables or carve pumpkins for Halloween.

Education, sustainability, nutrition and visual communication

The family cookbook meets sustainability criteria to the highest degree. It is a best practice example of how the aspects of education, sustainability, nutrition and visual communication can come together in a student thesis. Moreover, it was developed in transdisciplinary cooperation with the Villekula Association.

Produced by Hinstorff publishing house, the cookbook will be published in May 2023 and can be pre-ordered now.

Author: Lara Wiegand (Co-Author: Villekula)
Publisher: Hinstorff Publishing House
ISBN: 9783356024814
64 pages