University News

War Against the Ukraine: Statement from the Executive University Board

The Executive Board of Europa-Universität Flensburg is following the military attack against Ukraine with great shock and deep concern for those affected

Foto der Ukrainischen Fahne im Wind

This is also an attack on the underlying principles of a peacekeeping legal order in Europe, for which we emphatically condemn it.

Witnessing with dismay the suffering that the violation of these fundamental values has already caused, we would like to express our solidarity with the people in Ukraine and, especially, for the Ukrainian students and researchers on our campus.

Europa-Universität Flensburg fully supports and agrees with the statements of the DAAD and the German Rectors' Conference. In line with those declarations, in the coming weeks we will strive to help and support Ukrainian researchers and students.

Zur Stellungnahme der HRK Zur Stellungnahme des DAAD