University News

"A European University stands for openness to the world and tolerance"

After bomb threat against Jewish community, EUF president Reinhart shows solidarity

After the bomb threat against the Jewish community and its prayer room on November 9, 2022, EUF President Prof. Dr. Werner Reinhart joined the demonstration "Solidarity with the Jewish community - Flensburg against hatred of Jews" on Saturday, November 19. The threat against the synagogue on Friesische Straße has also upset him: "More than other universities, a European University stands for cosmopolitanism and tolerance. It stands for cultural diversity and for protection of people who are threatened. So it is a matter of course that I show solidarity both as a representative of the university management and as a private person. If I want Flensburg to take a stand against anti-Semitism, then I want to be there," Reinhart explained.

"Demonstrations are an important part of our political culture"

Prof. Dr. Christiane Reincke, Professor of Modern and Contemporary European History, demonstrated together with Prof. Dr. Reinard. Her research focuses on European social history from the 19th to the 21st centuries, with an emphasis on postcolonial British, French and German history. "I am a historian and in my academic work deals especially with the history of racism, but also with the history of anti-Semitism," Reinecke said. "But independently of that, I think demonstrations are an important part of our political culture, especially demonstrations against racist violence and anti-Semitic threats."