Who we are
Presentation of the Project
TMEUF, Teaching Material Europa-Universität Flensburg, is a project of the Ecology and Environmental Education Working Group of the Europa-Universität Flensburg , to raise the level of awareness for the issue of the conservation of biodiversity.
The project was developed as part of the DAAD program "Qualitätsnetzwerk Biodiversität" ("quality network of biodiversity") within the project "Contrasting biodiversity conservation practices and Perceptions in Colombia and Germany" and in collaboration with the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia.
The reason for developing this project is the educational mission that has been added to the guidelines and laws about biodiversity:
In Article 13a of the Convention on Biological Diversity of Rio de Janeiro in 1992, an educational mandate was included. Participating parties made several commitments, including supporting and promoting the understanding of the importance of the conservation of biodiversity as well as necessary measures. Within the Aichi Biodiversity targets, adopted at the 10th UN Biodiversity Summit in Nagayo, specifically target 1 and 19, were set to increase the awareness of the people for the values of biodiversity. Furthermore, the knowledge about biodiversity, its values, functions and actual conditions as well as the consequences of its loss should be spread until 2020. In 2007, the "Nationale Strategie zur Biologischen Vielfalt" (NBS – National Strategy on Biological Diversity) was adopted as the national strategy of Germany for implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity into German law. Consequently, the educational mandate of the Convention was included. Therefore, conservation of biodiversity should be included as a topic into education programs.
On this homepage, teachers, employees of environmental education and nature conservation as well as people who are interested in the topic can find appropriate material for their own planning and realization of lessons and projects. The material provided should support everyday school life and extracurricular environmental activities. The aim is to increase the interest of students in nature and in the conservation of biodiversity.
Students of Europa-Universität Flensburg created teaching material about biodiversity conservation for all classes within the course "Life and Responsibility" during the winter semester 2013/14 and 2014/15. During the same period of time, teaching material about conservation of biodiversity was created by students of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá/Colombia.
The material will be provided both in German and in English in order to reach a large and international group of people.
The use of the published materials for pupils and students during lessons and leisure activities is permitted and explicitly requested.
Despite our careful checks, we do not accept any liability as to whether the information provided on this site is up to date, correct or complete.

Prof. Dr.Carsten Hobohm