
Digital InForm Kolloquium: Devoloping barrier-sensitive learning scenarios - a Design Thinking Workshop

Helsinki, Camelot

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While conceptualizing digital teaching and learning scenarios, various framework conditions, such as learning objective(s), the target group, and the learning content, must be taken into account. When focusing on the target group, impairments and the resulting Diverse Learning Needs (DLN) (Chilla et al., in prep.) must be considered. The construct DLN is used to address not only impairments and disadvantages but to represent a broad concept of heterogeneity (including socioeconomic background, digital accessibility, physical/cognitive ability, etc.). The Design Thinking (DT) process (Luchs 2015, Waloszek 2012) was chosen with the aim of developing possible solutions to tackle the arising challenges regarding the conceptualization of barrier-sensitive Learning scenarios. The participants will work in small groups of up to 6 members. Each group will receive relevant theoretical information, tips, and helpful handouts and enter three stages of the DT process: Ideate, Prototype, and Test. Individual groups will exchange their results between the workshop’s phases which allows them to receive peer feedback and benefit from other participants’ views. The workshop pursues two main learning outcomes: to generate one or more prototype solutions and to raise awareness regarding the proactive consideration of DLN while designing barrier-sensitive learning scenarios.

The Workshop is part of Digital InForm. Registration is possible on ZWW Website.


Helsinki, Camelot
Europa-Universität Flensburg
Auf dem Campus 1
ZIP code and city
24943 Flensburg