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The goal of the project is to explore how the introduction of the 4-day work week can maintain staff health, increase staff retention, and facilitate the recruitment of new staff.

09/01/2023 - 08/31/2024
Lydia Bendixen
Open project

The project investigates processes of Europeanisation that influence the conditions of access to social rights and benefits in Germany and France, thereby changing the combination of political repertoires of action in terms of compensating social inequalities and fighting discrimination. Our analytical framework is the concept of social citizenship, by which we mean (i) a narrative of social cohesion, (ii) the relationship between individual participation, social security and status norms, and (iii) a territorially constituted political order.

08/01/2021 - 07/31/2024
Monika Eigmüller
Open project

This project will open new research frontiers in cultural studies by exploring how 'race' is produced through the sonic, olfactory and spatial by mobilising a novel methodological approach. Space and the senses are seldom explicitly employed to understand how processes of racialisation and the concomitant struggle to belong operates; omitting these affective dimensions of boundary drawing limits how we can theorise and understand these phenomena. This exploratory project interdisciplinary combines geographical, urban, postcolonial and migration studies and methods to a.) spatialise key texts in the German critical 'race' and whiteness studies canon using interactive graphic maps that span local, national and international scales; and b.) experiment with sensory participatory walking methodologies in Berlin's Wedding district to highlight the role of the spatial, sonic and olfactory in 'race'-making processes. This will reveal innovative ways to approach and theorise racialisation, whiteness and multiculture in Germany.

12/01/2022 - 05/31/2024
Christine Barwick-Gross
Open project

Regions that depend economically on fossil fuel extraction or energy-intensive industries will be disproportionately affected by the decarbonization of industry and the economy. The CINTRAN project examines the complex patterns and dynamics of structural change in these carbon-intensive regions in Europe. It examines the pace of change and the regions' ability to cope with and proactively adapt through highly integrated, inter- and transdisciplinary research in close collaboration with regional stakeholders from four regions that are heavily dependent on fossil fuels: Western Macedonia (Greece), Silesia ( Poland), Ida-Virumaa (Estonia) and the Rheinische Revier (Germany). This knowledge will contribute to a more effective, fairer and more inclusive governance of regional change.

05/01/2020 - 04/30/2024
Pao-Yu Oei
Open project

The CoalExit project focuses on the economy of the coal phase-out. The exit from coal presents various opportunities but also risks, which will be further analyzed throughout the project. The focus of the project is on the analysis of the changes for the energy system, the effects on the associated structural change and new political options for a socially acceptable coal phase-out in Germany but also globally.

10/01/2017 - 03/31/2024
Pao-Yu Oei
Open project

The Philipp Schwartz Initiative gives universities and research institutions in Germany the opportunity to host researchers at risk on a fellowship. ICES has received funding under this initiative to host a Ukrainian scientist in 2022. The EUF was also provided with funding to establish university-wide structures that strengthen the hosting of refugee researchers.

08/01/2022 - 01/31/2024
Hedwig Wagner
Open project

Das Forschungssemester beleuchtet die Chancen, Potentiale und Hemmnisse von Wasserstoffnutzung für die Schifffahrtsbranche - mit Fokus auf Schleswig-Holstein.

05/01/2023 - 10/31/2023
Franziska Dettner
Open project

The Autumn School will cover the political and historical processes of European integration that have most contributed to shaping the European Union as we know it today.

10/25/2023 - 10/28/2023
Ulrich Glassmann
Open project

EuKiD erweitert den didaktischen Ansatz im Unterrichtsfach Deutsch von einer bisher nationalen um eine europäische Herangehensweise und beabsichtigt damit, hinsichtlich der Weiterentwicklung curricularer Vorgaben innovative Impulse zu setzen. Im Dialog mit Projektpartnern aus der Unterrichtspraxis, der fachdidaktischen Forschung und Institutionen der Bildungspolitik sollen europabezogene Kompetenzen formuliert, Lehrmaterialien entwickelt und Modellversuche in Primar- und Sekundarstufen von Regelschulen durchgeführt werden.

10/08/2020 - 10/07/2023
Ivo Theele
Open project

The project will examine the role of digital social & news media in creating political value polarization among citizens & in promoting the rise of populism in Europe. It includes a comparative survey in 6 countries & qualitative analysis of debates conducted through social media. The overall aim of our research is to explain the growing tendency in and across Europe to contest the core values that anchor the European project, and clarify how this new trend relates to digital media usage. At a broader level, ValCon addresses the challenges posed by a deep crisis of liberal democracy in Europe and the world. This crisis, we assume, is a manifestation of increasing conflicts over liberal values, which—we further argue—social media both drives and amplifies.ValCon asks the following core question: To what extent can value conflicts, as expressed in polarized opinions and extremist political views among the public, be attributed to patterns of social media communication? To answer this question, we analyse the dynamics of online value conflicts and how they affect the legitimacy of political order. Is the EU as a community of value drifting apart?

09/01/2020 - 08/31/2023
Monika Eigmüller
Open project