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This case study examines a series of events that took place in West Germany at a specialized school for students with emotional and social needs. ...

01/01/2012 - 12/31/2015
habil. Joachim Bröcher
Open project

The LEMEL project is a comparative, international and networked research project. Our aim is to analyse the representations and framing of Europe and European controversies in online media from various countries, in order to identify different patterns of storytelling about Europe in online news, the European identity they promote and the political principles they value. Our originality lies in the methodology of the research: each team gathers a corpus of item related to the coverage of European issues in national online news for the same period of time; the corpuses are analysed according to a common grid; the results are put in common during European workshops and transnational themes are identified; researchers from different countries gather into thematic groups in order to publish papers on specific aspects of the global analysis. The keywords for the project are European media sphere, media framing, representations, identification, media events, European themes, categories, discourse analysis, ways of appropriation.
The long-term goal of the LEMEL research project is also to build a European research network to run similar pan-European analysis each year.

Hedwig Wagner
Open project

This action research project explores how collegiate-level English courses might be modified to better prepare students to use English as a lingua franca in international communication situations beyond the classroom.

Christie Heike
Open project

Diskursive Definitionskämpfe und Konstruktionen im Bildungs- und ErziehungsSystem seit Beginn der COVID-19-Pandemie.

Open project

The European Wasatia Graduate School for Peace and Conflict Resolution seeks to initiate a process of reconciliation (short Wasatia Graduate School, "wasatia" is an Arabic term for "moderation, balance and temperance").

This PhD-Programme creates an interdisciplinary framework for dialogical understanding of the structural nature of conflict and the development of sustainable conflict resolution strategies. The combination of practical elements with high standards for university education is what makes the wasatia Graduate School unique.

Ralf K. Wüstenberg
Open project

In a changing world of work new working conditions arise from developments such as flexibilization as well as digitalization and can endanger psychological well-being. Aim is to examine recovery and the role of leadership behaviour which supports employees recovery experiences along with well-being in short and long term.

Lydia Bendixen
Open project

EcoWel ist eine internationale kollaborative Initiative, die sich mit ökosozialer Transformation im breiteren Kontext der europäischen Integration befasst.

Vincent Gengnagel
Open project