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Teaching Evaluation and Surveys
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Teaching Evaluation and Surveys
Teaching evaluation
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Teaching evaluation
Surveys and Data Collection
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Berufsbildungsinstitut Arbeit und Technik
Zentrum für Sprachen
Institut für ästhetisch-kulturelle Wissenschaft und Praxis
Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften
Institut für Gesellschaftswissenschaften und Theologie
Institut für Gesundheits-, Ernährungs- und Sportwissenschaften
Institut für mathematische, naturwissenschaftliche und technische Bildung
Institut für Sonderpädagogik
Institut für Sprache, Literatur und Medien
Interdisziplinäres Institut für Umwelt-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften
Internationales Institut für Management und ökonomische Bildung
Zentrum für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung (ZfL)
Teaching staff
First Name
Personal E-Mail-Adress
Type of Questionnaire and Survey, Timing
Type of Questionnaire
teaching process-oriented
learning outcome-oriented
Preferred date for the evaluation
immediately/as soon as possible
fall semester: October
fall semester: November
fall semester: December
fall semester: January
fall semester: Febuary
Period of LVE
two weeks
four weeks
NB: We continuously monitor the response rate of all online LVEs. If the response in the TAN procedure is insufficient, we will automatically extend the LVE by two weeks and write to the students again. For surveys with QR-code, you as a teacher will receive a corresponding message.
Type of survey
Online survey (with TAN)
Online survey (with QR-Code)
Paper survey (please consider 14 days of processing time)
If you opt for LVE with QR code, you must ensure that your students receive the QR code.
When selecting paper surveys please indicate the preferred language.
Would you like to receive your report in English language?
Details of your course
Class Title
Type of class
Seminar (or equivalent forms of classes)
Number of Participants
E-Mail-adresses of all participating students
All mandatory fields with the marking (*) must be filled in.
Don't fill this field!
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