
EUCS & EUS Career Month – April-May 2024

- , Ganztägig

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1.       Welcome Event: The opening event for Career Month will have presentations from the EUCS and EUS program coordinators about career opportunities after graduation based on alumni experiences, internship opportunities from the International Centre, Campus Career Centre resources, and information from the Schleswig-Holstein Welcome Center about possibilities to work in Schleswig-Holstein at the end of your studies. This event will be held on April 9th in room TAL 007 from 10:00-12:00.

2.       Alumni Career SpotlightsThis event series will allow you to meet Alumni of B.A. European Cultures and Society and M.A. European Studies who will join us digitally and in person to talk to you about their careers and their experiences, as well as answer any questions you might have. We have invited alumni from different career paths (please see program attached). If any of these alumni speakers peek your interest, please note that in order to attend these meetings (virtually or in person) you have to register for them by sending an email to: until April 8th at 12:00h. After registering, you will get the information needed to be able to join the events you registered for. Please consider that your registration is binding.

3.       Campus Career Workshops: The Campus Career of the EUF will be holding 3 workshops throughout the duration of Career Month to help students with the job search process. The registration will be done directly here: The events take place in the "Jackstädt-Container" at Hochschule Flensburg. It is centrally located on campus near the Mensa. Here are some of the workshops on offer:

1.       "Finanzfit im Studium – Tipps und Tricks für einen erfolgreichen Einstieg"

Monday, April 8th, 2024, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m., room Container 12.3-1, MLP

2.       "Fit fürs Bewerbungsgespräch"

Monday April 22nd, 2024, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m., room Container 12.3-1, Danfoss

3.       "Bewerbungsprozesse in Unternehmen – ein Blick hinter die Kulissen"

Monday May 13th, 2024, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m., room Container 12.3-1, Team SE

4.       LinkedIn 101: Your Professional Brand Online: Learn the basics of LinkedIn, including how to optimize your LinkedIn profile to stand out to recruiters, expand your network, and showcase your professional brand effectively. This session will equip you with the tools and strategies to make the most of this powerful platform. Join Nora Sheehan to take your professional presence to the next level! If you would like to attend this workshop on April 15th in the afternoon (time and room to be confirmed) please register by sending an email to:


5.       Presentation of the Master programs offered at the EUF: Here you can hear a short presentation from each of the study programs available for you at the Europa-Universität Flensburg. What types of specializations are available in Flensburg? What are the programs all about? What career paths do they open for you? How to apply?... You can take part on April 16th, at 14:00 on Webex: event is primarily addressed to students of the B.A. European Cultures and Society.

6.       Excursion to Employer: Get ready for an exciting opportunity to gain firsthand insight into your future career possibilities! Stay tuned for more information, including details about the date, location, and itinerary of the excursion. We'll be providing updates soon, so keep an eye out for further announcements.

7.       EU Careers: To finish off our career month, a representative from EPSO Careers (European Personnel Selection Office) will be presenting the possibilities to work or do an internship in the EU institutions on May 14th at 10:00 in EHL 164. If you are considering a career in the EU institutions, this meeting is a must for you, as you will hear all about how to get a job or an internship in the EU and have all of your questions answered. 

Don’t miss this opportunity! Your future awaits you!

We are looking forward to seeing you there.