Dr.Swintha Danielsen

- Name
- Institut für Frisistik und Minderheitenforschung
- Position
- Gastdozentinnen und -dozenten
Dr. Swintha Danielsen is an affiliated linguist, who is teaching at the EUF and the University Bonn (Ancient American Studies) in linguistics with endangered languages, and she works in her own typological research projects.
- 1972 born in Hamelin, Germany
- 1992 A-Level at the Schiller-Gymnasium Hamelin
- 2001 Magister (MA) at the Leibnitz University Hanover, English Linguistics and Philosophy
- 2001–2002 Linguistic assistant in project Projekt Lexikurs (Cognitive Linguistics) at the University of Hanover
- 2003–2006 PhD position at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen, with Stephen Levinson and Pieter Muysken
- 2006–2007 Linguistic assistant in program "Lexicon and Syntax" at the Radboud University Nijmegen, with Pieter Muysken and Mily Crevels
- 2007–2008 Linguistic assistant at the Radboud University Nijmegen for individual project "Arawak linguistic features" with Pieter Muysken
- 2007 PhD at the Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands, in General Linguistics
- 2008−2013 Baure documentation project (DoBeS) at the University of Leipzig
- 2011-2013 Paunaka documentation project PDP (SOAS, ELDP) at the University of Leipzig
- 2012-2014 Cooperating linguist in Referentiality Project (DobeS), University of Leipzig, University of Erfurt
- 2012-2014 Cooperating linguist in Noun to Verb Ratio Project (DobeS) at the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Department of Linguistics
- 2015–2016 Cooperating linguist in project Articulation speed variation cross-linguistically, (DobeS), University Leipzig, University of Cologne.
- 2014-2017 Guarayu Documentation Project GIZAC (Gwarayu and intermediate zone between Amazonia and Chaco, Bolivia), University of Leipzig
- Since 2021 affiliated linguist at the EUF
Individual publications
Danielsen, Swintha. 2021 La distancia tipológica entre el castellano y las lenguas bolivianas, un obstáculo para comprender o aprender. Revista Páginas & Signos 16. Cochabamba, 163–187.
Danielsen, Swintha. 2019. Las ortografías del guarayu: historia y actualidad – Araka’e ikwachiaprɨ iyavei kuritëi ikwachiaprɨ. Revista Páginas & Signos 15. Cochabamba, 89-131. Copy accessible at: https://de.scribd.com/document/446300606/Araka-e-ikwachiapr%C9%A8-iyavei-kuritei-ikwachiapr%C9%A8-Las-ortografias-del-guarayu-historia-y-actualidad
Danielsen, Swintha. 2018. La historia de la lengua guarayu. Revista Páginas & Signos 14. Cochabamba, 39-58. Copy accessible at: https://de.scribd.com/document/417060018/La-historia-de-la-lengua-guarayu-Paginas-Signos14-2018
Danielsen, Swintha. 2016. GIZAC – Gwarayu and the Intermediate Zone (Amazonia – Chaco, Bolivia) documentation project. Endangered Languages Archive. http://hdl.handle.net/2196/00-0000-0000-000F-BF45-3
Danielsen, Swintha. 2016. Arawakan data (ARW). In: Muysken, Pieter et al. (eds.) South American Indian Language Structures (SAILS) Online. Leipzig: Online Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology. URL: http://sails.clld.org
Danielsen, Swintha. 2016. Reduplication and deduplication in Baure: two processes pulling on different ends. Online publication at: SCRIBD - URL: https://de.scribd.com/doc/299019757/Reduplication-and-deduplication-in-Baure-two-processes-pulling-on-different-ends
Danielsen, Swintha. 2015. Vikach Wawore-ye ach vavikopow vikoyepiapa: Going to Baures and coming from Baures and telling stories about directional motion verbs. In: Pieter Muysken (ed), Mily in Motion: A testimony on the occasion of Mily Crevels’ 60th birthday. Nijmegen: Radboud University, 13-17.
Danielsen, Swintha. 2015. Observing the evolution of TMA particles − replacing agglutinating strategies. In: Emmanuelle Labeau & Qiaochao Zhang (eds), Taming the TAME systems. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: Rodopi (Cahiers Chronos 27), 1-23. DOI: 10.1163/9789004292772
Danielsen, Swintha. 2014. Multiple valency derivation in Baure. In: Francisco Queixalós (ed), Incremento De Valencia En Las Lenguas Amazónicas. Bogotá: Instituto Caro y Cuervo, 283-309.
Danielsen, Swintha. 2014. Los verbos genéricos o pro-verbos en la lengua baure (familia Arawak). In: Marisay Malvestiti & Patricia Dreidemie (eds), III Encuentro de Lenguas Indígenas Americanas, Libro de Actas. Viedma: Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, 197-209.
URL: http://editorial.unrn.edu.ar/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=101:dos-nuevos-titulos-en-la-coleccion-nuevos-horizontes&catid=36&Itemid=2
Danielsen, Swintha. 2013. Evaluating historical data (wordlists) in the case of Bolivian extinct languages. In: Astrid Alexander-Bakkerus & Otto Zwaartjes (eds), Historical reconstruction of American languages. STUF - Language Typology and Universals/ Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung, 66(3). Bremen: Akademie Verlag, 272-298.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1524/stuf.2013.0014
Danielsen, Swintha. 2012. Afijos compuestos y su lexicalización en el baure (arawak), In: Marisa Censabella; Cristina Messineo; Hebe A. González & Beatriz Gualdieri (eds), Lenguas Indígenas de América del Sur I: Fonología y Léxico. Serie Volúmenes temáticos de la Sociedad Argentina de Lingüística Mendoza: Editorial FFyL-UNCuyo and SAL, 151-171.
URL: http://ffyl1.uncu.edu.ar/IMG/pdf/Gonzalez_y_Gualdieri_eds_2012.pdf
Danielsen, Swintha. 2012. Baure. In: Pieter Muysken & Mily Crevels (eds), Las lenguas de Bolivia. Volume 2: Amazonía. La Paz: Plural Editors, 295-339.
Danielsen, Swintha. 2011. The personal paradigms in Baure and other Southern Arawakan languages. In: Antoine Guillaume & Francoise Rose (eds), Argument-coding systems in Bolivian Amazonian languages, IJAL, 77(4), 495−520. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/662154
Danielsen, Swintha. 2011. Clause embedding strategies in Baure (Arawak). In: Katharina Haude, Rik van Gijn, & Pieter Muysken (eds), Subordination in South American Indian languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 79−108. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/tsl.97.04dan
Danielsen, Swintha. 2011. Evaluating Arawakan features versus Guaporé-Mamoré features. Presentation at the workshop "Historical perspectives on Sprachbund phenomena: the case of the Guaporé-Mamoré", Radboud University Nijmegen, November 25, 2011. URL: https://de.scribd.com/document/469118366/Evaluating-Arawakan-features-versus-Guapore-Mamore-features
Danielsen, Swintha. 2008. La clasificación del idioma Baure dentro de la familia Arawak. Revista Página & Signos, 4. Cochabamba: Universidad de San Simón, 15−46.
URL: https://de.scribd.com/doc/299329038/La-clasificacion-del-idioma-Baure-dentro-de-la-familia-Arawak
Danielsen, Swintha. 2007. Baure: An Arawak Language of Bolivia. Indigenous Languages of Latin America (ILLA) 6. Leiden: CNWS. URL: https://de.scribd.com/doc/299331234/BAURE-AN-ARAWAK-LANGUAGE-OF-BOLIVIA
Co-authored/edited publications
Danielsen, Swintha & Lena Terhart. 2022. Body-part terms in Baure and Paunaka: A comparative analysis. In: Roberto Zariquiey & Pilar M. Valenzuela, The grammar of body-part expressions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Seifart, Frank, Jan Strunk, Swintha Danielsen, Iren Hartmann, Brigitte Pakendorf, Søren Wichmann, Alena Witzlack-Makarevich, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann, & Balthasar Bickel. 2021. The extent and degree of utterance-final word lengthening in spontaneous speech from 10 languages. Linguistics Vanguard, Vol. 7, No. 1. https://doi.org/10.1515/lingvan-2019-0063.
Strunk, Jan, Frank Seifart, Swintha Danielsen, Irene Hartmann, Brigitte Pakendorf, Søren Wichmann, Alena Witzlack-Makarevich, Balthasar Bickel. 2020. Determinants of phonetic word duration in ten language documentation corpora: Word frequency, complexity, position, and part of speech. Language Documentation & Conservation, 14: 423-461.
Olthof, Marieke, Eva van Lier, Tjeu Claessen, Swintha Danielsen, Katharina Haude, Nico Lehmann, Maarten Mous, Elisabeth Verhoeven, Eline Visser, Marine Vuillermet, and Arok Wolvengrey. 2020. Verb-based restrictions on noun incorporation across languages, Linguistic Typology. Published online ahead of print 2020, URL: https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/lity/ahead-of-print/article-10.1515-lingty-2020-2054/article-10.1515-lingty-2020-2054.xml?fbclid=IwAR3LTUYHmYDjaKT1AwtUVSG_cLvZ1Gs_2RcamZ7qNKfkLb9w1lQd0ILiUx8
Durand, Tom & Swintha Danielsen. 2020. Differential subject marking in Arawakan languages: Distribution and origins. Journal of Language Contact, 13(1), 141–176. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/19552629-bja10005. URL: https://brill.com/view/journals/jlc/13/1/article-p141_141.xml
Danielsen, Swintha and Sell, Lena and Terhart, Lena. 2019. Guarayu. A revised dictionary by Alfred Hoeller. Dictionaria 6. 1-3590. URL: https://matthew.clld.org/dictionaria/contributions/Guarayu.
Seifart, Frank, Jan Strunk, Swintha Danielsen, Iren Hartmann, Brigitte Pakendorf, Søren Wichmann, Alena Witzlack-Makarevich, Nivja de Jonge, & Balthasar Bickel. 2018. Nouns slow down speech across structurally and culturally diverse languages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 115 (22), 5720-5725; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1800708115.
Danielsen, Swintha; Franziska Riedel; & Federico Villalta. 2017. Diversidad Lingüística en los Llanos de Mojos. Poster for the Museo Etnoarqueológico "Kenneth Lee", Trinidad, Beni, Bolivia.
Danielsen, Swintha & Franziska Riedel. 2017. La Documentación del Baure: Un Idioma de la Amazonía Boliviana. Poster at the EEIA IV - Encuentro Internacional de Arqueología amazónica, 01/10/2017 - 07/10/2017, Trinidad, Bolivia, and for the Museo Etnoarqueológico "Kenneth Lee", Trinidad, Beni, Bolivia.
Danielsen, Swintha & Noé Gasparini. 2017. Discovering two almost extinct languages in Bolivia: Jorá and Guarasu. 18e Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences du Langage, ED 268 Paris 3, Jun 2015, Paris, France. Available at: https://hal-univ-paris3.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01495156v1
Danielsen, Swintha & Sandro Sessarego. 2016. Lenguas indígenas de Latinoamérica. In: Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach (ed), Enciclopedia de lingüística hispánica, Vol. 2. London/New York: Routledge Publishing Co, 708-720. URL: https://www.routledge.com/Enciclopedia-de-Linguistica-Hispanica/Gutierrez-Rexach/p/book/9781138941380
Danielsen, Swintha & Andreas Brockmann. 2016. Vorwort (Introduction). In: Lena Sell & Lena Terhart, Klassifikationen im Baure, LINCOM Studies in Native American Linguistics (LSNAL) 76. München: Lincom Academic Publishers, v‒xi. URL: http://lincom-shop.eu/LSNAL-76-Klassifikationen-im-Baure
Danielsen, Swintha & Noé Gasparini. 2015. News from the Jorá (Tupí-Guaraní) in the Bolivian Amazonia. In: Wolf Dietrich & Sebastian Drude (eds), Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Ciências Humanas, 10(2), 441-466. URL: http://www.museu-goeldi.br/editora/humanas/index.html
Danielsen, Swintha & Lena Terhart. 2015. Realis/irrealis as a basic grammatical distinction in Southern Arawakan languages. In: Lotfi Abouda & Sophie Azzopardi (eds), Le Future, Revue de Sémantique et Pragmatique (RSP) dedicated to the future tense, 38, 97-120. URL: http://www.univ-orleans.fr/rsp/numéro-38-décembre-2015-le-futur
Danielsen, Swintha & Lena Terhart. 2015. Borrowed clause combining patterns in two Arawakan languages – Baure and Paunaka. In: Gonzalez-Rivera, Melvin & Sandro Sessarego (eds), Perspectives on Hispanic Contact Linguistics in the Americas. Lengua y Sociedad en el Mundo Hispánico. Vervuert: Iberoamericana, 121–152.
Danielsen, Swintha, Lena Terhart, & Federico Villalta. 2015. Paunaka language archive. Endangered Languages Archive. Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/2196/00-0000-0000-000A-2F58-1.
Danielsen, Swintha & Lena Terhart. 2014. Paunaka. In: Pieter Muysken & Mily Crevels (eds), Las lenguas de Bolivia, Vol. 3. La Paz: Plural Editors, 221-258.
Admiraal, Femmy & Swintha Danielsen. 2014. Productive compounding in Baure (Arawakan)? In: Swintha Danielsen, Katja Hannß & Fernando Zúñiga (eds), Word Formation in South American Languages. Studies in Language Companion Series, SLCS 163. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 79-112.
Danielsen, Swintha, Katja Hannß & Fernando Zúñiga (eds). 2014. Word Formation in South American Languages. Studies in Language Companion Series, SLCS 163. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
DOI: 10.1075/slcs.163.01dan
Eriksen, Love & Swintha Danielsen. 2014. The Arawakan Matrix. In: Loretta O’Connor & Pieter Muysken (eds), The Native Languages of South America: Origins, development, typology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 152-176. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/cbo9781107360105.009
Birchall, Joshua, Swintha Danielsen, Love Eriksen, Ana Vilacy Galucio, Rik van Gijn, Harald Hammarström, Simon van der Kerke, Vishnupraya Kolipakam, Olga Krasnoukhova, Pieter Muysken, Neele Müller, & Loretta O’Connor. 2014. The languages of South America: deep families, areal relationships, and language contact, In: Loretta O’Connor & Pieter Muysken (eds), The Native Languages of South America: Origins, development, typology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 299-322. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/cbo9781107360105.009
Danielsen, Swintha & Katja Hannss. 2013. "El estado actual de las lenguas bolivianas", Conferencia dado en el VII CONGRESO DE LA ASOCIACIÓN DE ESTUDIOS BOLIVIANOS, Sucre, Jul 29 – Jul 31, 2013. Online: https://de.scribd.com/document/326368478/Estado-de-Lenguas-Bolivianas
Danielsen, Swintha, Femmy Admiraal, Franziska Riedel, & Lena Terhart. 2008-2013. Baure language archive (The Language Archive, DobeS).
URL: https://corpus1.mpi.nl/ds/asv/?0&openpath=node:885634
Danielsen, Swintha, Michael Dunn & Pieter Muysken. 2011. The Spread of the Arawakan Languages: A View from Structural Phylogenetics. In: Jonathan Hill & Alf Hornborg (eds), Ethnicity in Ancient Amazonia: Reconstructing past identities from archaeology, linguistics, and ethnohistory. Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado, 173−195.
Vidal Céspedez, Gilmar & Swintha Danielsen. 2011. El Carmen del Iténez: Monografía de un pueblo beniano. Santa Cruz: APCOB.
Danielsen, Swintha & Katja Hannß. 2010. Working with dying languages: Two Bolivian cases in comparison. In: Mark Häberlein & Alexander Keese (eds), Sprachgrenzen − Sprachkontakte − kulturelle Vermittler: Kommunikation zwischen Europäern und Außereuropäern (16.−20. Jahrhundert). Geschichte − Beiträge zur Europäischen Überseegeschichte, 97. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 379−407.
Danielsen, Swintha & Tania Granadillo. 2008. Agreement in two Arawak languages: Baure and Kurripako. In: Søren Wichmann & Mark Donohue (eds), The Typology of Semantic Alignment. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 396-411.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199238385.003.0016