Introduction to the templates and guidelines of STUDYasU

The project "Study as you are" (STUDYasU) provides lecturers and students at the EUF with templates and guidelines for the development of barrier-sensitive teaching and learning materials. It aims to establish barrier-sensitive teaching and learning materials at the EUF, in particular, to fulfil the guidelines of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN BRK).

STUDYasU uses the term barrier-sensitive instead of barrier-free learning materials to emphasize the importance of creating learning tools that include people with all kinds of Diverse Learning Needs (DLN) (Chilla et al., under review) in their learning scenarios. The majority of diverse learning requirements can be already proactively taken into account in the design of teaching and learning materials (Rüscher et al. 2023).

Nevertheless, the focus when adapting documents most often still lies on full accessibility.  Visually, there is often no difference between accessible and non-accessible documents, at least as long as no assistive technologies are used (Hilgers 2023b). If, however, assistive technologies are used, access, information, and orientation aids are activated in the background (ibid.). To function properly, these require the documents to be fully accessible.

As there are already a number of research-based instructions for the accessible development of documents, a list of further sources and materials is provided at the end of each STUDYasU-guideline for the different formats. The guidelines created in the context of the project intend to provide a first overview as well as suggestions for a quick implementation.

In addition to providing templates and guidelines, STUDYasU is working on barrier-sensitive (digital) standards for teaching.

Templates and guidelines from STUDYasU for the creation of barrier-sensitive teaching and learning materials

Guidelines for creating Word-Documents

Barriers can already be reduced when setting up Word-documents by taking a few basic rules into account (Hilgers 2023b). In many cases, applying such rules makes the work easier and helps to avoid tedious revision (ibid.).

The instructions for creating barrier-sensitive Word-documents can be found in the Moodle course of the STUDYasU project.

Guidelines for creating PDF-Documents

Fully accessible PDFs can only be created by experts and with expensive software (Hilgers 2023a). However, if some basic rules are followed, documents that are suitable for everyday use can be produced (ibid.). 

The guidelines for creating accessible PDF-Documents can be found in the Moodle course of the STUDYasU project.

Guidelines for creating PowerPoint-Presentations

Frequently overlooked barriers that can be quickly removed (such as recurring design elements, reading order and alternative texts) can be proactively considered when creating PowerPoint presentations (Hilgers 2023a). 

The guidelines for creating barrier-sensitive PowerPoint-Presentations can be found in the Moodle course of the STUDYasU project.

Templates for PowerPoint-Presentations

A barrier-sensitive template has been created for teaching purposes. It is accessible to lecturers and students at the EUF.

The templates for PowerPoint-Presentations can be found in the Moodle course of the STUDYasU project.

Guidelines for barrier-sensitive posting on social media

There are various social media accounts at the EUF. The social media content on these accounts should be accessible to ensure its availability to everyone. Therefore, certain minimum standards should be fulfilled.

The guidelines for creating barrier-sensitive postings can be found in the  Moodle course of the STUDYasU project.

Guidelines for barrier-sensitive video design

Videos can be used and/or produced in teaching to support the learning process. Furthermore, universities can create promotional videos for their websites. All videos should be produced and distributed in an accessible way.

The instructions for creating barrier-sensitive videos can be found in the  Moodle course of the STUDYasU project.

Bibliography & further Guidelines

Chilla, S., Vogt, K., Tsagari, D., Doetjes, G., Filk, C., Gillespie, A., Yearwood, T., & Abed Ibrahim, L. (under review). Digital-inclusive transformation and teacher preparedness in foreign language education—A bilateral German-Norwegian perspective.

Hilgers, Florian (2023a). Kurzüberblick: Barrierefreie PDF aus Powerpoint – die vier häufigsten Fehler und wie sie sich vermeiden lassen. Landesförderzentrum Sehen. Schleswig (LSF).

Hilgers, Florian (2023b). Erstellung barrierefreier Dokumente. Landesförderzentrum Sehen. Schleswig (LSF).

Rüscher, Frederike Anna; Buchminskaia, Ekaterina; Chilla, Solveig; Filk, Christian (2021): STUDYasU - ein proaktiver Ansatz für barriere-sensible digitale Hochschullehre. In Digitale Barriere-freiheit weiter denken. HessenHub – Netzwerk digitale Hochschullehre (Hrsg.), Hessen. 

Further Guidelines on barrier-sensitivity in the university context can also be found in the Moodle course of the STUDYasU project.


The STUBBS will be happy to support you with the barrier-sensitive revision of your documents. If you have any comments, questions or criticism, please contact the project team by e-mail: